11. Daydreaming

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Luckily, Michael didn't ask about David. We watched some cartoons and ate Lucky Charms, ignoring the fact that it was noon. Michael made a couple attempts to make me smile but it didn't work.

He told me I couldn't frown forever but I reminded him I haven't smiled for thirteen years. I could frown for the rest of my life if I really wanted to.

Mom came home at around five and I didn't hesitate in explaining where I was going. She was very excited which I expected. I don't know how many times Mom told me how cute she thinks David is. I don't think David is cute at all but Michael isn't showing me any signs of asking me out soon.

"Where are you going to meet?" Mom asked, opening the door.

"At that diner around the corner," I replied, checking my reflection in the mirror one last time.

"How exciting!" she squealed. "Well, I won't bother you."

"Like you don't already," I mumbled. I said another goodbye to Mom and left the house as quickly as I could.

Summer evenings are one of my favorite things which is why I decided to be adventurous and walk to the diner. The only thing on my mind was Michael and I pretended I was going to meet him.

I reached my destination quicker than I thought I would and waited around inside for my "date". The restaurant was booming with business and the employees struggled to keep up with the customers. Every seat in the waiting area was taken and I was aching to sit down. One gentleman must've sensed my need to relieve my feet and gave up his seat for me.

"Have a seat, girl," he said with a smile.

"Thank you," I replied sitting down.

At that moment, the couple next to me got called and two seats were left vacant. The man sat in the seat next to me. For a moment I thought he looked like my father but I pushed those thoughts out of my head. I was just missing him again.

"You on a date?" he asked.


"I know how that feels."

I looked at the man's left hand and saw a wedding ring on his finger. Now I'm hallucinating.

"You look a lot like my daughter," he said with a slight smile.

I shook my head and looked at the floor. I was dreaming.

"You look a lot like my dad," I replied.

He laughed. "Weird."

"Hey, Cathy Jean!" David called running up to me. "You made it."

"Yeah." I turned to my "dad". "See you around."

"Have fun," he said, smiling again.

I nodded and followed David through the diner to a booth near a window. A small flower vase made a cute centerpiece for the table. As I looked around the room I noticed we were the only table with a centerpiece.

"Hello, folks," the waiter said, stifling a laugh. "Welcome to..."

David and him burst out laughing. I didn't get the joke. David took a deep breath and turned to me.

"This is my friend, Adam. We both work here," David explained. "I asked him to work overtime so he could wait our table."

"I didn't know you worked here," I said.

"He was trying to keep it a secret because he loves you," Adam informed me. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Water," I said. I quickly turned to David. "You didn't have to keep that from me."

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