two: BBQ part two

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Arielle POV:

"Dad!" My dad was over on the grill when I was heading to the backyard.

"My middle baby girl!" He sat the spatula down to come hug me. "I ain't seen you in weeks baby, how are you?" He was smiling so hard. He really missed us.

"I'm good. You look great dad! You've been working out?"

"Oh haha I look good, don't I?"

"Shut up dad." We laughed. "Where Natasha?"

"Oh she's in the house getting things together. Go in & say hi, your sisters are in there." He walked to the grill. Damn Nes was here already.

Okay so me & Nes got into this heated argument where it went left & we ain't been right since. I just wanna be coo for this day. We all haven't seen each other in awhile.

"Go in there." Drew grabbed me from behind. "Y'all don't gotta talk about it now but I know you miss her, just enjoy this day babe." He whispered in my ear.

"You right." I caressed his arm. "Dad I'll be with the ladies." I kissed him on the cheek and headed in.

Monte POV:

"Hey my beautiful ladies." I walked in the kitchen. There was my baby Ren, uh Nesiree, Arielle, Natasha and Kochelle.

They were all smiling in different areas of the kitchen with all types of food.

"Mhm that looks good Ari." She and Aubrielle were making the frosting for the 7up cake. I tried getting a taste but Aubri slapped my hand.

"No Uncle Momo, you have to wait til it's done!" She was cheesing from laughing looking just like her momma.

"Oh yeah is that right? I thought Uncle Momo was your favorite?" I picked her up and she rested her head on my shoulders.

"You are my favorite!"

"I betta be!" I tickled her. All of the women were admiring me with smiles.

"Dad you wanna play football with me & Arrias?" Mi'Sean came in excited.

"Uh yeah man, you wanna play Aub?"

"Not until she hugs & kiss her daddy!" Drew walked in the kitchen & she hopped right out my arms when she seen Drew.

"Daddy!" She ran into his arms. "Where were you this morning?"

"I had work baby." He picked her up and walked over to me. "Wassup big bro." We bro hugged.

"Man when you gone cut your hair bro?" He had a tapered curly afro on his head.

"Never besides my baby like it like this." He kissed Arielle on the cheek. She smiled so hard. I was happy for them forreal.

Everything was going good. Our little family was getting bigger & bigger. I now owned a club with Raheem. Tryna get out this street business but it always comes back to me.

"Monte! How's the club business going?" Ren's dad came in the kitchen acting like he was happy to see me. I know he still don't like me, even tho he let his daughter marry me. But we can play this game.

"It's going well. You should stop in & get a free drink sometime."

"I will take you up on that offer one day." This nigga was lying.

There's a lot the girls don't know about their dad & it kills me to hide it from them but I don't want them looking at their dad sideways.

It'll come to light tho if he keeps fuckin with me. Trust me!

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