seven: daddy's baby momma's maybe

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Beautiful POV:

Meihui means Beautiful Wisdom in English.

Bryshere & Beautiful up top!

"Bry come on you know I can't miss this kickback." I was yelling for my boyfriend to hurry up. He is always slow.

Anyways my name is Meihui but everyone calls me Beautiful. Um I'm Kochelle's long lost little sister. I look up to that girl. It's kinda crazy how we instantly got close and getting to know each other was so easy. She's an older me and I love her. I just wish she'd lose that fear of hers, and meet our family. But I gotta be understanding.

Anyways about me. I'm in college right now. Chapman university to be exact. It's a performing arts college. I'm a dancer. Been dancing all my life and I love it. I know all dance styles, just put on some music and I'm with it.

I have a boyfriend of 7 years, Bryshere James Grey. I call him BJ or Bry. That's my baby, he's so annoying tho. But that's my headache. He's never cheated on me before. But we've had our problems, nothing really crazy.

"You know what I do need to hurry up cause I gotta talk to Jacob."

"Uh huh. Come on I miss my peoples!" I was walking out the door til Bry grabbed me by my arm.

"Uh uh where you going with them lil ass shorts on?" His New York accent always got me.

I looked down then back up at him. My shorts weren't even that little.

"Baby these aren't even short. I can bend over and you won't see anything."

"Well turn around then Beautiful and bend that ass over." He laughed.

"Shut up." I nudged him. "I'm not changing. Besides I look very cute in this and we low key matching." We always matched each other's fly but I don't think he realized it.

He had on this black T with tupac on it and some tan khaki shorts with the all black masters on his feet.

I had on all black fitted shirt that showed off my back with my khaki shorts on and my all black masters on.

"Awe why you being cute today?" He wrapped his arm around me walking out the door. That is when I found out he forgot our anniversary. I was wondering why he was acting so normal day.

"Nothing baby." I crossed my arms when I got in the car.

"You sure, you look upset all of a sudden."

"No I'm fine!" I perked up to reassure him I was okay. "For some reason I knew this year he'd forget. He's been looking like he's had a lot on his mind, plus he's been gone from the house lately.

"Alright." He kissed me on the cheek and pulled off.

I can't wait to talk to my sister & Ari about this.

Serenity POV:

"Serene stay still baby please." I whined in her ear as I was tryna put her hair in two puff balls.

She had a lot of hair on her head to not even be 1 yet.

I've been relaxing for the past couple of days. It's been relieving some stress off of me, but I just keep thinking about all this shit. How it played out is fucked up. Him telling me I would never have to worry about this & now look where we are.

Monte has been waiting on me hand & feet tho. And I appreciate him for it. I just gotta get outta this slump. I took on his baggage, problems & blessings when I married him so it is what it is. He apologized & it's not like he was hiding it, that bitch lied. Now we just gotta take this shit day by day.

"I not move mommy." I smiled, thinking about how fast she's grown almost over these months. But then that made me sad.

I thought of how I was so happy to give Monte his first baby girl & we named her after me. Shit was so perfect. We had our two boys and finally a girl.

Little do we know this bitch Erica had a surprise up her sleeve. Every child is a blessing and I will treat Emoni like she mine but boy does it hurt right now.

"Mommy why you cryin?" I jumped outta thought immediately when I felt Dre patting my knee and asking me that.

"Oh mommy's okay. She's just not feeling good right now. Okay I'm gonna go make mommy happy." Tay said taking Serene off my lap and putting her in Lil Sean's arm, who was standing next to him. "Aye man watch your lil sister for just a second please, yell if you need us."

"Okay dad." Mi'Sean said looking at me worried.

"I'm alright babies." Monte grabbed my hand and took me to the bathroom. He sat on the toilet and stared at me while I leaned against the sink and covered my face. "I'm so sorry Monte!" I cried tryna muffle my tears.

"Baby, baby sshhh." He jumped up and wrapped his arms around me putting my face into the crook of his neck. "Stop saying you sorry. I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean for this shit to happen. Please just stop crying." I heard him sniffle. I looked up & he was crying. I just put my head against his for awhile and we stood in silence til he spoke again.

"She's mine. The DNA test came back and she's mine. I knew it from that day she was dropped off on our porch. She looks like me and the rest of my kids. The only difference is she doesn't have your button nose like they do."

"Okay. Okay okay. It's okay. Alright what's the next move?" I broke out of his arms and started pacing back & forth.

He rubbed his head, looking uneasy. "Um I don't know, I know I gotta talk to the kids about this." He was right and I'm glad he made that the first obstacle in his head.

"Okay after that? We need to move, we need more space. Emoni needs a room."

"We can move her into Serene's room or turn the guest room into her room."

"Okay but most importantly. This family trip all of us are going on, she's coming right?"

"Yeah shouldn't she?"

"Yeah, absolutely. But we're going to Jamaica. She can't leave the country without a passport. You don't have no information on her. No social, nothing just that she's ours now."

"She's ours?!"

"Yes and you're gonna have to put a pep in your step and go thru the courts and get custody of her. I have a feeling this bitch Erica won't be coming back soon."

"I'm on it first thing tomorrow morning."

"Okay good. I'll be there every step of the way baby. We're gonna make it all happen. Now until then go get Emoni from your moms. She can stay in Serene's room until we move."

"I love you." He grabbed my arm and snatched me out of my pacing to pull me into him. "I know that this is hard for you Serenity and I'm sorry I made a mistake five years ago and cheated on you. I promise you on all four of my children I haven't cheated on you since then. The outcome is crazy but you accepted her and for that I'm going to always love you."

"Five." I said bluntly. He looked at me confused.

"Huh five what?"

"Nothing I love you too. Now let me go finish these kids hair." I kissed his forehead & walked away.

He stood there looking confused. That's right I'm pregnant.... Again crazy right? Haha I'm done after this tho. I wasn't expecting to get pregnant so fast. I wanted to wait at least until Serene was 2 my gosh. I'm so getting my tubes tied after this.

I'm gonna tell Monte on the trip in Jamaica. I'm only a month so I can hide it for now.

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