chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Allison's POV:

I’m late. I’m so late to school, this Monday morning, and guess what I have first period; Maths.

I had a quick shower in 5 minutes was done and then got dressed quickly in a black skinny jeans and white tank top, with my black leather jacket on top, I ran my hand through my hair before blow-drying it and fish braiding my hair, leaving it to the side, I quickly pit on my black high heels, before brushing my teeth.

I grabbed my schoolbag, put it over my shoulders before running downstairs, taking an apple and eating it while Jeremy finishes and comes, I finished my apple and washed my hands before running to the front door,

"Jeremy if you’re not in the car in 2 minutes, I’m leaving you here," I shouted before running to my baby car, I mean he can walk its just 15 minutes walking. I buckled in the car before turning up the music on to Jason Derulo ft. 2 chainz 'Talk Dirty to Me'

I made myself comfortable waiting for Jeremy, I’m late anyway so why not have some fun, and I started to sing,

"I’m that flight that you get on...


First class seat on my lap, girl...

Riding comfortable...

'Cause I know what the girldem need...

New York to Haiti...

I got lipstick stamps on my passport; you make it hard to leave...

Been around the world, don't speak the language...

But your booty don't need explaining... All I really need to understand is... When. You...

Talk dirty to me"

I sang loud moving my hips a bit while I’m seated, both my hands on my steering wheel, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel, just as I said 'talk dirty to me' Colton went pass with his motorbike he slowed down a bit smirking he winked at me, before flying off, guess I’m not the only one that’s late.

Just as Jerr came running to the car, he jumped in buckling his seat belt,

"I thought I said 2 minutes" I said annoyed he kept me waiting 5 minutes

"I thought you said you’re leaving in 2 minutes" he answered back,

"Stupid ass" I grumbled and drove to the school


I skipped in the empty hallway to my Maths class, chewing on my gum, I got to class not bothering to knock on the door, I opened it cutting Mr Chamber on what he was saying, he turned to me a scowl on his face, I smirked at him,

"Sup teach" I said not bothering to say why I’m late, I walked through the class smirking and popping my gum that echoed through the class, just as I sat on the only empty desk which is at the back next to the one and only Colton, I groaned inwardly, I’m not going to let me him ruin my mood, he had his arms behind his head and legs on the desks smirking, looking comfortable,

I went and sat on the desk that's next to him, I put my bag on the floor, not bothering to take out my book, I put my head on the desk, laying on my arms, and closing my eyes, might as well sleep,

Ok so here is the thing, you guys at first probably thought I was nerd, quite, shy girl. But here is where you’re wrong, I’m a 17 year old bad girl, but not that bad, quite popular, I do have nice friends, but I’m no queen bee, or a heart breaker, just simple bad girl, bad ass. I just do it because, my daddy always say how I’m a shame, and make him embarrass. So I’m going to show him what a shame I am. And besides, my dad's rich, the principal can't to nothing to me, no matter what I do. People think I’m happy because I’m rich, and having fun, not caring about the world, but no. I've built up walls, and it takes pretty hard to take them down,

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