Part 20

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>RECAP< "Kelly looked worried and David was running his fingers through his hair...Kelly looked at me 'Bad news...'

Chapter 31 !

I was still blankly staring at Kelly. Bad new?! What kind of bad news? Oh shit, what if.. what if.. Before I could think of anything too terrible, Harry asked, 'What's the bad news..?'

Kelly looked at David and then.. the both started cracking up. 'Wow, guys loosen up! It's our big night!' David started laughing again.

'Real funny guys, real funny.' I said.

'You scared the shit out of me, you dumbasses.' Harry crossed his arms and made a cute little mad face.

'Oh chill out man, let's practice once more before we have to get outta here.' David said, walking towards the instruments.

'Yeah whatever, let's go.' Harry followed and so did Kelly and I.

We practiced once more and before we knew it.. we were at the concert hall, 5 minutes till showtime. 

The singer before us had a beautiful voice and got a whole bunch of applauses. Hopefully we would too. 

Mr. Weckler called us to the stage. Harry took hold of my hand and we walked on stage, hand in hand, with David and Kelly doing the same thing behind us.

Kelly walked to the corner of the stage, David to his spot with his guitar in hand, Harry and I went to our microphones at the very front of the stage.

David began to play a few strings, and off we went.


'Oh honey! You were so wonderful up there!' My mom pulled me into a hug.

'Sweety, you were great!' My grandma clapped her hands and smiled.

'She has the voice of an angel!' My dad kissed me on the head and handed me a bouquet of flowers.

'Bravo, young lady!' Oh Papa John...

'Good job, Leelee!!!' Carter ran into me and hugged my legs, I hugged him back.

After everyone congradulated me, I set down my flowers and walked outside for some fresh air.

I was sitting on the curb when I heard someone approach me.

'Hey babe.' Harry stood behind me and looked down.

I tilted my head back, looking at him upside down. I puckered up and he bent down to kiss me. 'Hi there.'

He sat beside me and we interwined hands. 'So omg you were like fabulous on stage!' Harry said with his American accent. I burst out laughing.

'Why thank yuh my luv, you weh pre-eey gewd tew.' I said, trying to pull off my best british accent. It was pretty bad and Harry laughed.  I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked up at the stars. So did he.

'Lianna?..' Harry said, still looking at the stars.

Still looking at the stars as well I said, 'Yeah?'

'I love you.'

Without hesitation I said, 'I love you more.' Which I did. We may be young.. but it's still love... Young Love.


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