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Moriah's driver pulled up in front of a little white house with yellow tulips on the sides.
There was a brick path that lead to the front door and cherry blossom trees were on the sides, that looked like a tunnel made of pink flowers.

Moriah quickly ran to the front door. In one hand she had a suitcase and the other was on the door knob. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Moriah!" Mrs. Peters yelled as she embraced Moriah. "Mom!" Moriah hugged her back, smiling.

"Moriah, it's good to have you back! I heard on the radio that you are going to be on tour again with Winter Jam." Mr. Peters hugged and placed a kiss on Moriah's head.

Moriah nodded, "Yes. Good news really travels fast." Her parents both smiled, "Yes it does." "But, what about Courtney? She has been waiting so long for you to come, and now you're leaving."
Mrs. Peters gave a sad look.

Moriah smiled and held her mother's hand, "That's the best part! Courtney is coming with me!"

Mr and Mrs. Peters smiled, they were happy for their daughter. They stood in the living room, smiling and looking at each other.

Then Moriah remembered, "Omigosh! I need to pack!"

Mr and Mrs. Peters quickly went into the kitchen and served Moriah her lunch.

Moriah ran up the wooden stairs, dragging her Navy blue suitcase.

When she made it to the top floor, she turned to the left and a white door with the words "God Loves Me." Moriah turned the golden door knob and stepped inside.

Her room was painted lavender with some light blue. Her bed had white sheets with blue music notes. Her closet was in the corner, beside a window with lavender curtains. Her carpet was white and soft.

She dropped her suitcase, ran straight towards her bed, and jumped on it.

She sighed as her hair fell in her face. She smiled at the ceiling. Before she was famous, she had a little note as above that said, "Have you given thanks to God yet, Moriah?"

Moriah giggled, she remembered writing that when she was twelve.

She sighed, "Thank you, God." She sat up, and grabbed her guitar and began to play.

(Play the song)

She smiled and carefully placed the guitar beside her bed.

She stepped to her closet, took a deep breath and opened the closet.

"Well, I'm definitely taking my cupcake pajamas!"


Moriah and the band's touring bus pulled up in front of Courtney's drive way. "I'll go get Court," Moriah quickly opened the door, ready to head to the door.

Instead, Courtney stood at the door, with her three golden suitcase in front of her. Courtney smirked, "What took you so long, Moriah?!"

Moriah laughed, "I was about to ask you the same thing! Hop on!"

Moriah helped Courtney with her luggage and quickly closed the door. They both headed towards the window seats.

"This is gonna be so much fun!"

Courtney looked out the window, to the road. Moriah looked out, too, "I know right!"

Courtney looked back at Moriah, "Who knows, we might find Mr. Right? Huh, Moriah?"
Moriah just looked out the window.


Sorry for the short chapter! I'll write more on Saturday! I promise! God bless you and everyone else!


❤J I L N Y S O T O❤

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