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"Next stop! BOK Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma!" The driver yelled out as he pulled out of the parking lot. Road trip!


Finally, after all those barf stops they made for Lauren, they made it to Oklahoma.

And it was beautiful!

The breeze was cool, but it was so bright and warm outside. The smell of flowers hovered in the air, entering through the tour bus windows.

Moriah was the first to smell them. She took a deep breath and sighed, "Oklahoma." Moriah sat beside an open window, on a big purple seat. Joel slipped and sat beside her, "Yep."

Moriah cocked her head and stared out the window. Joel took the chance to wrap his arm around her. Moriah smiled, still looking out the window. She scooted a little bit to be more close to him. Somehow she felt comfortable. Joel grabbed piece of her hair and wrapped it around his fingers over and over.

Moriah let her head gently fall on Joel's shoulder. Joel hugged her tightly. Moriah closed her eyes, thinking of how sweet and charming Joel is.

Joel took a quiet deep breath and spoke quietly, "Moriah?" Moriah kept her eyes closed and still stayed where she was.
"Yes, Joel?"
"How can I prove to you, that I love you?"

Moriah opened her eyes, surprised at his question. She couldn't quite think of the words to say. She then looked at Joel's eyes, still staying in the position she was.
"Joel, you don't need to prove anything so that I know you love me."

Moriah smiled at Joel. Joel stared into her eyes, and couldn't hold back his smile.
"I won't give up, you know. Your worth fighting and waiting for."

Moriah giggled quietly, then looked at the window. Moriah pressed again her head to Joel's shoulder again. Joel let his head fall on her head. They both closed their eyes, and soon fell asleep.


They were sleeping peacefully. And so was the rest of them.

That was, until, they heard a Boom! It sounded like a gun shot. It was so loud, the noise still ringed in everyone's ears.

Luke got up first, startling everyone.

Luke stood in the doorway, his arms on the sides. Courtney ducked under his arms and others began to do the same thing.
Moriah got up, which triggered Joel to stand up, too.
They quickly went around the table, ducked under Luke, and ran until they were out the tour bus.

Moriah exited out after Colton. Sunshine covered her and she felt warm instantly. The breeze blew, making her hair go crazy towards every direction. But, she didn't mind. She followed Toby, Danny, Colton, and Lauren to the other side of the bus.

She wasn't wearing shoes, of course no one was, but the road was not that hot. It was, actually, kindoff nice.

They all walked in front of the bus to the front left tire. There, the driver and some of the crew took out the wheel.

Apparently, the wheel bursted and left a long black streak on the road. They must've hit something, that caused their wheel to bust. And that wasn't the only thing that made a sound. Suddenly, the wheel caught on fire.

Won't Give Up (FAN FICTION) • for KING & COUNTRY Where stories live. Discover now