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"Omigosh! Look!" Jamie Courtney, and Lauren screamed at everyone as she passed a huge building with different lights. Moriah, Kari, Francesca, and Hollyn ran towards them, and peeked through the window. They passed expensive designer clothing shops. Moriah, Lauren, Francesca, Kari, Hollyn, Courtney, and Jamie smirked at each other. They were so going shopping.

Joel appeared beside Moriah, "I've seen that face before." Moriah laughed and let her head fall on Joel's shoulder. Joel wrapped his arm around her. He brought her close to him and smiled, "You know, there are so many restaurants here. Would you like to go out and eat after the show?" Moriah smiled, "Would it be, like, our first date?" Joel shook his head, "No. It's going to be our first date." Moriah's smile grew bigger. Joel smiled at her, and hugged her tightly.


"So, you and Moriah are going on a date?"

Luke, Colton, Matthew, Toby, Danny, and the Newsboys kept asking questions about Joel and Moriah's date after the show.

"Yeah! I have everything planned, and if it goes right, maybe it can prove to her that I love her." Joel fixed his mic, talking but still fixing it. Jeff smiled at how Joel wasn't worried at all. Not like Luke.

Since they all didn't make it to Tulsa BOK center in Oklahoma, Luke and Courtney canceled their date. But, now they were planning it here in Chicago. So, Luke was very nervous.

Joel patted Luke's shoulder, "It's okay, Luke. It will go out just fine for you and Courtney." Luke nodded, but he still smiled nervously, "I hope so."

After so many questions and answers, the show began.


"How is everyone in Chicago?" Moriah laughed as the crowd roared. "God has helped us stay bold. To stay brave." Moriah smirked, "To Stand Strong!" The audience screamed.


"Where is the strong believers in Christ here?!" Jamie sat down on a stool, across from a piano.

The crowd screamed in response.

Jamie smiled and spoke, "I have a little friend here. She has stayed strong and has been brave. Can you come out, Rebecca?"

From back stage, came Moriah with a little girl about eight years old, with little dirty blonde curls and wearing all pink. They walked up to Jamie, the little girl blushed.

Jamie hugged her, "Rebecca has been battling cancer since she was one. Today, she turns eight years old, and she has stayed brave. Why don't you say "Hi" to the audience, Rebecca?" Rebecca blushed again and smiled. She waved at the crowd, hidding behind Moriah. She spoke softly into the mic, "Hi."

Moriah, Jamie, and everyone else awed at Rebecca's shyness. Jamie smiled, "I have a very special birthday song for you Rebecca. I hope you like it." Rebecca giggled, which made the crowd just awe at that.

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