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"What am I going to do?!" Luke lifted his hands to his head. The technician had finally left. Courtney searched everywhere for them, but she couldn't find them.

"Calm down, Luke," Courtney held his hands. Luke sighed and shook his head, "Sorry, Courtney. It's just I can't sing any songs without Joel."

Courtney pressed her head on his chest. Luke wrapped her in his arms and placed his head on top of her head. Courtney spoke very smoothing, "You'll be fine. I promise."

The technician came back and quickly said, "For King and Country! Come on!" Luke hugged Courtney and went on stage.

"Greetings, Oregon!" Luke hid his fear with a smile. But, Courtney could here some shakiness in his voice.
The audience screamed.
He smiled, "It's so great to see y'all!"
The crowd cheered, getting more wild.
"I have a special song for ya'll."
The audience screamed excitedly.

The song "Without You" began to play. It was coincidence because Luke was without Joel.

Courtney could tell from backstage that Luke needed Joel. But what could she do?

That's when she found a solution.

As the song came to the chorus, Courtney quickly grabbed a mic, fixed her hair and makeup and ran into the stage when the chorus began. She didn't care what the technician yelled at her. She wasn't going to leave Luke by himself.


"Hey look!" Joel lifted up a clipboard, underneath some cables, "I found Gabe's clipboard!"

Moriah faked a smile, "That's great," then she lost her smile, "But how is that useful?" Joel shrugged then smiled, "Gabe could give us more snacks! We get only two bags of chips, he could give an extra bag of Doritos!"

Moriah laughed at Joel's expression when he said "Doritos."

Joel threw the clipboard to a barrel full of guitar strings.

He then sat down beside Moriah. "I wonder how long we are going to be stuck here." Moriah shrugged, "I don't know. An hour or something." Joel smirked, "What if we are left here for days. No food or water." Moriah laughed, "You better sleep with one eye open then." Moriah and Joel laughed.
They were stuck.
But it wasn't that bad


The song was about to go to the end.
Luke and Courtney slowly walked towards each other and pressed their foreheads together. Luke lifted up his hand and so did Courtney. At the last "Without you" there hands slipped together.

The audience loved it.

Luke then placed a kiss on Courtney's forehead. Courtney smiled at the crowds reaction.

I guess you could say, it was a romantic night at Winter Jam.


Well, Courtney and Luke might have a wonderful night. I can't say the same for Joel and Moriah.

"I can't even get a signal!" Moriah whined as she lifted Joel's phone in the air.
She forgot her phone in her purse, beside the door.
Joel got up and grabbed the phone, "How are you going to get a signal if you have it on airplane mode?" Moriah looked at the ground, sheepishly.

Joel took it off airplane mode, but then his phone died. "Great!" Joel kicked a barrel.
That was a big mistake, because he hurt his foot, "Ouch!" Joel fell on the ground, rocking back and forth.
Moriah sat beside him, "Are you okay?" Joel finally forgot the pain, "Yeah."

Moriah and Joel both sighed, defeated. Joel looked at the ground, "Now what do we do?" Moriah stared at the door and shrugged, "I don't know. Wait, I guess."

Joel yawned and Moriah felt her eyes getting heavy.


Luke and Courtney both got off stage laughing at the audiences' reactions.
They both sang a bunch of songs together, so their voices were almost gone. Courtney laughed as Luke told her a childhood memory.

Luke and Courtney must've laughed very loud, because the instant Joel and Moriah heard them they ran to the door and banged it so hard.

Luke heard banging on the closet door. He looked at Courtney, and Courtney looked at him. They both ran to the closet door and opened the door.

Joel and Moriah came tumbling out. Moriah fell on top Joel, and Joel fell right on the cold floor.

Moriah got up first and pointed at Luke, then Courtney, "What took ya'll so long?! I was trapped with him!" Moriah pointed at Joel.

Joel was so busy arguing and agreeing with Moriah, that he agreed with Moriah at the last part, "Yeah with him! Wait, what?"

Luke and Courtney laughed at Joel's response. Moriah laughed along, too. Joel couldn't help but laugh, too.

Moriah began to speak, "Well maybe it wasn't so bad."

Joel quickly went back to the closet and in his hand was Gabe's clipboard. Joel shrugged, "Well at least we have the clipboard."

Right when he lifted up the clipboard, Francesca passed by and took it. She responded without looking at them, she looked forward, "Thanks." She turned the corner and handed it to Gabe. And Gabe have her extra Doritos. She turned to Joel and Moriah and gave them a thumbs up. She shook the bag in their faces and ran off.

Joel and Moriah stood there, their mouths wide open. Luke and Courtney laughed even harder.

Next Update: 3/29/2016

Thanks and have a wonderful day! :)

❤J I L N Y S O T O

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