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Moriah and Courtney squealed as they got to the airport. Sierra and other managers stood there.

The only other tour bus there was Francesca Battistelli. Courtney screamed, "Francesca Battistelli is going on tour with you, too?!" Moriah laughed as they stepped out the tour bus.

Sierra sighed, "Thank goodness ya'll came on time! Okay our first stop is here, California." Moriah nodded and so did the gang. When she looked to her right to see Courtney, however, Courtney was gone.

Moriah panicked, "Court?! Courtney!" She walked around and searched for her. Moriah turned and was about to scream again when she heard laughter.

Coming from Francesca Battistelli's tour bus. Moriah quickly ran across the wet parking lot to Francesca's bus. When she got to the door, she took a deep breath and knocked.

Moriah has never met Francesca before, she had heard her songs before she was famous and always wanted to meet her.

She had even planned what to say to her when she met her.But the words somehow disappeared.

Moriah couldn't handle it, she was about to run off until Francesca opened the door.

Moriah stood there, her mouth wide open. Francesca stood there smiling at Moriah. Courtney then appeared behind Francesca.

Moriah began to speak, "You... Court... I... Me... Moriah..." Francesca and Courtney laughed and Moriah smiled nervously.

Francesca smiled back at Moriah, "You're Moriah Peters, right? I really like your song "Don't Want To Live For Me." It's so beautiful and inspiring."

Moriah still stood there, her mouth open. Francesca Battistelli likes her song.

She was about to pass out. "You like my song?! Francesca Battistelli likes my song! AHHH!" Moriah screamed so high pitched that Courtney and Francesca laughed so hard.

"Come on in," Francesca signaled Moriah to come in. Moriah slowly entered through the doorway, and looked at the tour bus from the inside.

The tour bus had an outer space theme, with stars all over by the walls. There were purple leather seats and white tables.

Moriah smiled at the bus, she liked the decorations. Moriah walked to a wall covered in pictures of all Francesca's albums.

Francesca and Courtney joined her. Francesca smiled at her album 'Write Your Story.'
"This is my favorite background of all my albums."

"I liked that one, too," Moriah looked at it.

"Hey, look!" Courtney yelled as she looked out the window. Francesca and Moriah walked over to her.

Outside, tour buses began to park. Lauren Daigle, Jamie Grace, Kari Jobe, Matthew West, and Colton Dixon all got off and walked over to their managers.

Francesca's eyes widen and she ran out the door screaming, "Kari! Jamie! Lauren!"

Kari Jobe, Jamie Grace, and Lauren Daigle turned around and screamed in unison, "FRANCESCA!"

Colton Dixon and Matthew West laughed at their reactions.

Francesca, Jamie, Lauren, and Kari all hugged. "It's so great to see you again, France," Jamie smiled at Francesca. Francesca responded, "I know!"

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