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"Good evening, Oregon! How's everyone in Mathew Knight arena?!" Colton shouted to the crowd. Everyone went wild. "I want to give thanks go God for all these blessings we have." The song "Through All Of It" began to play, and Colton's angelic voice began to sing.

Moriah stood backstage, fixing her mic. She was so nervous about her performance.

Thankfully, Joel came to the rescue. He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled, "Hey there."

Moriah couldn't help but smile. She had never felt this way before. "Hello," she smiled at the ground and then back at him.

Their eyes met and they couldn't describe their feelings.

They felt like the world just disappeared and they felt like the only two in the world.
That is, until they heard giggling behind a huge box.

Lauren and Jamie were hiding and when they found out their cover was blown, Jamie quickly said, "I lost my... Keys." Jamie ran off, Lauren stood their and finally said, "I lost her keys, too!" Lauren ran, following Jamie. Moriah and Joel laughed at their excuses. Especially Lauren's.

Joel took advantage of the moment, and held Moriah's hand. Moriah looked at their hands, then Joel and smiled. She leaned and pressed her head on his shoulder.

Joel would have kissed her forehead, but he respected Moriah's wish to be pure until marriage.

A technician came towards Moriah and Joel, an ear piece in his ear, "Moriah Peters?" Moriah nodded, "Yes?" The technician looked at his clipboard, "You're next. Get ready."

Moriah got up and began walking back and forth. She laughed nervously and Joel smiled at her, "What's wrong?" Moriah held her look left hand in the palm of her right hand, "I don't know. I'm just nervous."

Joel got up and slipped both of his hands in Moriah's two hands. He pressed his forehead into hers. Moriah looked up, since Joel was a bit taller than her.

They both looked at each others eyes, dreamingly. Joel smiled and whispered, "I would give you a kiss. But, you're waiting." Moriah's smile widened.

She really wanted to kiss him, but a voice kept telling her to wait.

Moriah touched his face and smiled, "Thanks." Joel smiled, she was just to beautiful and kind that he couldn't stop looking at her. Or thinking of her.

The technician came back, "Okay! Moriah, come, it's your turn." Moriah nodded and she touched Joel's face, "I'll be back."

Joel smiled and still held her hands. He looked into her eyes and said in the most sweetest and serious voice, "I'll wait for you. As long as it takes."

He gave one last smile and walked away. Moriah stood there, smiling. Joel knew she smiled at him, so he glanced at her and winked. Moriah giggled and covered her mouth.

Joel walked backwards and made a heart with his hands and mouthed to Moriah, "I love you." Moriah made a heart back and mouthed, "Love you, too."

(What Moriah sang)


"What's up everybody?" TobyMac spoke onto the mic then pointed it at the audience.

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