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They have now traveled to 49 States. One more to go. New York City. They have now toured two years and one month.

And in all 49 States, Joel and Moriah have gone on dates. And since they stayed in the States for two weeks, they went technically two dates every state. So, in total, they went on 98 dates.

It was the final three days in New York. No more concerts, touring, nothing. The tour would be over in three days. Yesterday was the last concert. So they're staying in New York for three days then going back home.

And that's what Moriah, Luke, Courtney, and Joel didn't want. When the tour finishes, they won't see each other again. So, their two year relationships was going to end. Or was it?

"Joel, I've got it! It's in my pocket!" Luke told Joel. They were planning to something very special for Moriah and Courtney. Joel nodded, "Okay. I'll go reserve the a spot for dinner for both if us, then I will get two horse carriages to drive us to the park. I have already asked Jamie, Francesca, Colton, Lauren, Matthew, Toby, Danny, Kari, mum, dad, the rest of the tour crew, and Moriah and Courtney's parents to decorate the streets and the park with lights." Luke nodded and gave a box to Joel. Luke had two, one for him and one for Joel. Joel opened the box and looked in it. He smiled at it, "They're perfect!" Luke and Joel shared a smile, and left to start the plan.


"Joel! Luke!" Moriah and Courtney giggled, "Where are y'all taking us?" Luke pulled Courtney through the crowd to go to the restaurant. Joel pulled Moriah, too. Luke stopped and looked at Courtney in the eyes, "It's a surprise." Luke kissed Courtney's forehead and pulled through the crowd, beside Moriah and Joel.

They went inside a fancy restaurant and sat down at two separate tables. Their tables were alike. They had a clear crystal vase with one rose inside, two plates in between all kinds of forks, spoons, and knives. Luke pulled a chair for Courtney. Courtney blushed and smiled, "Thank you." Joel did the same thing, only he kissed Moriah's hand. Moriah giggled, "What a gentleman." They sat down and ordered their food.


When they finished eating, they got in the horse carriges(there are two). Joel and Luke were surprised to see that the carriges were also covered in lights, gold and white lights. Moriah's eyes sparkled, "Wow. It's beautiful!" Joel opened the door and carefully grabbed Moriah's hand and helped her in. When Moriah got in, Joel hopped on and sat beside her and closed the door. He gave her a rose, and Moriah smiled and let her head rest on his shoulder. Their hands fell into each other. They looked at each other, and smiled.

Then, they heard music. That's not part of the plan, Joel thought. The song was This Is Love a song he and Luke wrote. Moriah loved that song, she smiled. Joel just went along with it. Streets were decorated with lights, and people on the sidewalk, wearing gold, white, and black. They were couples. Moriah smiled.

They finally arrived at the park. It was full of blue, green, pink, gold, white, and purple lights. Joel help Moriah out. The two carriges parked front and back. Courtney came out, smiling. That's when Joel and Moriah noticed a ring on her finger. Luke and Courtney held hands together. Moriah smiled at her best friend.

Joel led her to the park. And as they stepped foot on the track, covered in rose petals and on the sides was bushes with lights. They walked over a tiny bridge to a little stage underneath an arch of flowers. Francesca, Kari, Lauren, Colton, Matthew, and Danny were in the sides, throwing flower petals as they went up. When they finally got on the stage, another stage beside them appeared. The lights turned on that stage. Jamie was standing there, with a mic. Her band was there, a pianist, a guitarist, and a violinist. She began to sing.
(Song Above)
What would it look like?
What would it be like?
When my world turns out like you planned?
When will I get there?
Feels like I'm no where.
My dreams are like dust in my hands.

But I, I know
This is the waiting,
I anxiously wait,
As I hold on to love,
That will never let go.
And in these times,
When my patience is tested,
Won't you remind me that I'm not alone?
Here in the waiting, the waiting, the waiting.

All of the questions, secret confessions,
Lord, you'll make sense of it all.
And I know it's hard,
So I'm letting go of these thoughts that are taking control.

This the waiting,
I anxiously wait,
As I hold in to love
That will never let go.
And in these times,
When my patience is tested,
Won't you remind me that I'm not alone?
Here in the waiting, the waiting, the waiting.

Oh and I, I know
I, I know,

This the waiting, oh the waiting.

And in these times,
When my patience is tested,
You are the love,
That will never let go...

Here in the waiting, the waiting.

So, I'll be here waiting, waiting, waiting.

Believing you'll never let go.

Right when she said the last line, Joel got on one knee and pulled out the box. Moriah turned to him and began to cry. Joel put his index finger up and whispered, "Wait do it."

Suddenly fireworks bursted in the sky. Moriah turned to see them.
She read out loud what they said, "Moriah Castillo Peters... Will... You... Marry... Me... Love... Joel."
She turned to Joel, crying. She nodded, "Yes." Joel smiled and slipped the ring on her finger. Moriah laughed while crying, as he kissed her hand. They hugged, they weren't gonna kiss until the wedding. Everyone cheered. Joel wiped tears of her face, and she smiled.

Won't Give Up (FAN FICTION) • for KING & COUNTRY Where stories live. Discover now