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Verizon Center was gigantic. It was packed. "Wow, it's a full house," Jamie told Moriah as they looked behind some stereos.
Jamie used the wrong word. The place wasn't full. It was cramped. There were so many fans and people, there weren't enough seats!

"Well, we got to go get ready," Moriah pulled away and ran to her makeup room. She sat down on the black stool and some makeup experts began applying makeup.


The concert was about to begin. The lights were all off and the only thing people were able to see was their phones. Suddenly, in the middle of the stage, a blue spotlight shines on Matthew West. Then he smiles at the crowd and the song "Hello My Name Is" begins to play.


It was Easter Sunday, so everyone sang songs about the resurrection of Christ. And since Kari had powerful moving songs of the resurrection, she was the final performer.

"Seriously! I'm freezing and your not?" Moriah shivered as she stared at Joel, who just smiled at her.
Joel lifted an eyebrow, "It's cold?" Moriah nodded so fast, her neck hurts, "No. It's freezing cold!" Joel smirked, "But I'm here, shouldn't it be hot?" Moriah burst out laughing, "Wow. Just... Wow." Joel laughed.
He carefully slipped off his granite gray coat and wrapped it around Moriah. Moriah hugged her self inside the coat and smiled, "It smells like you." Joel grinned, "Cologne?" Moriah laughed, "How else are you going to smell nice?"
Joel hugged Moriah, "Any warmer?" Moriah buried her face in his chest, "Now I am." Joel kept her close.

He wasn't going to let her go.


"Hey, Courtney, can I ask you something?" Luke got the courage to speak to Courtney. Courtney smiled and nodded, "Sure. What is it?"
Luke suddenly forgot his words and cleared his throat. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Courtney just stood there, waiting but smiling.
Luke played with his hands and stuttered, "Umm, I was w-wondering, if, um, you know. If you, um, would like to, um, you know," he cleared his throat again, "Um." He froze in fear.
Lauren, Jamie, Francesca, Kari, and Moriah stood in the corner, behind Luke, giggling. Joel, Matthew, Toby, Danny, and Colton were behind Courtney, trying not to burst out laughing, so they kept covering their mouths. Colton and Joel kept giving Luke thumbs up, and they turned around, hiding their smiles. Jamie and Lauren kept making kissing faces at Courtney.
Luke finally shook his head and finally said with all the courage he had, "I just wanted to ask you if you would like to go on a date with me?"
Francesca and Kari awed at their little moment.
Courtney placed a small kiss on Luke's cheek, "I would live to." Luke smiled and wrapped his as around her.


It was the end of the night. The last performance in Washington DC. Kari's turn. All the lights were off. The audience were shushing each other.
Lights flickered, for effect. Then, lights flashed like lightning. One moment the stage is empty, only instruments. Then thundered roared. Then, sounds of people screaming and the earth shaking came on.
Then the lights flashed over and over. Kari and the band was on stage.

Suddenly all the lights went off.

Then, on the big screen behind the stage turned on. There was a picture of the Cross.
"The Cross," Kari began to speak quietly.
The audience was silent.
"Such a powerful sight. How God sent his only son, to die for us."
The audience was still in silence.
"He died for us. The most perfect man, Son of God, the Prince of Peace, the beginning and the end, alpha and omega, the Messiah, Jehovah, Christ."
It was a sea of silence.
"Thank you, Jesus. I want everyone to just lift your hands and give thanks to Jesus for the Cross."
Everyone lifted their hands.
And Kari whispered into the mic, "Thank you, Jesus. Thank you."
The song "Forever" began to play, and everyone sang along.
During the first verse, the lights were dim. When it got to the prechorus (The Ground Began To Shake...) Lights flickered. And when it finally came to the chorus (Forever he is glorified) all the lights were on.

Matthew, Danny, Colton, Francesca, TobyMac, Jamie, Lauren, Luke, Courtney, Joel, and Moriah walked onstage with mics and sang.

I want to give thanks to the Lord for the Cross. Without the Cross, we wouldn't be alive for God. God loves us so much, he sent Jesus to die for us. It hurt him to see Jesus die. He looked away, sad. But, that wasn't the end. God sent a good man, Joseph, who also waited for the kingdom of God, to retrieve Jesus's body and put it in a tomb. And three days later, Jesus Christ resurrected for us. Now we must live for him. Amen. God bless you.

Next Update: 4/3/2016
I'll probably update earlier since next week is Spring Break! Byez!

P.S~ I know this came out one day early. I wrote this the next day I updated the last chapter. I just handle the suspense! :D lol

❤J I L N Y S O T O❤

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