Chapter 4

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Lisa's POV:

Around 4:45 the door-bell rang so I got off the couch from watching old Hannah Montana reruns and opened the door to see a boy who I really like and he likes me but he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. Oh yeah his name is Matthew. I let him in and we talk about random things until the doorbell rings at five.

"That must be Jessica, give me one second to get the door," I got up and went to the door and opened it and saw it was Jessica.

"Hey Jessica, come on in," I said. She came in and took off her shoes then made her way to the living room and plopped herself down on the couch. She saw Matthew and leaped up off the couch like she sat on hot coals.

"You," she exclaimed "what the heck are you doing here?"

"I think the real question is why your still breathing," he shot back. Ok this is a side of Matt that I haven't seen and I don't exactly like it.

"Why are you here Wilson," she asked.

"Why are you here Reali? Oh and where's that good for nothing cousin of yours who has managed to keep a girlfriend for this long," he questioned. Wait, is he talking about Nick and Christina dating? If so then that was a cheap shot.

"He is doing school, something I'm sure you know nothing about,"

"Oh trying to act all tough are you? Well it ain't going to work. I've been waiting for the chance to get back at you and I think the chance has finally come."

All of a sudden Matt lunged at Jessica and tackled her to the floor her head smacking the side of the table. He grabbed her by the hair and started pulling. I ran over and tried to get him off of her. I yelled for Christina and Katherine to come help me. In the meantime she had hit his tenders and had let go of her hair. They both started hitting each other blow for blow. Eventually Christina came in and pulled Jessica away and we pinned each of their arms behind their backs.

"I'm going to get you, your going to wish you never left me," he said.

"I don't go for the stupid boys who lie and deceive just to get a girl then end up breaking her heart,"she replied.

Is that really what he does? Is he just going to break my heart? Should I keep dating him? Is he just out to hurt me?

"Yeah I don't go for teenage sluts either,"

"Shut up! All of you just be quiet. Promise you won't go at each other and we will release your arms," I said, "If you do not promise we will continue to hold your arms until you do."

They each mumbled out 'I promise' and me and Chrissy let go of their arms. I hope this isn't a mistake.

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