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Leyla was one to admit she scared easily.

But how could you not be scared when males hunted you like you were the greatest thing on earth?

Maybe it was because she was. She was a Mihr and in these times those were rare. Males hunted Mihrs for their blood and for their virginity, simply because the ecstasy of taking a Mihr to their bed while feeding from her was like touching The Blithesome Miss; Pure, unadulterated euphoria.

Of course nobody had touched The Blithesome Miss, but that was the legend anyway, and every male wanted to know if it was true. Well, at least most of them did, but Leyla never took any chances.

As soon as she had heard the warning bells ring, she had left whatever small village she had cooped herself up in this time. She was tired of running, but what was the alternative? Giving up her purest gift to someone who was going to take it for granted and against her will at that? No; when Leyla gave up her virginity, it was going to be to her true love. Someone who was going to promise her love and warmth and the nourishment of his blood. Just like she would him.

So when she heard the familiar screams of her kind's pain and fear, she ran from the village, going only where The Blithesome Miss knew. It was a miracle she had managed to stay a Mihr this long, but she was fearing if she didn't find a safe place soon, she would suffer the same fate every other female would suffer; Forced intercourse.

"Help me, Miss," She whispered to the heavens as she ran over the hills, still hearing the screams of women being raped from the city. "Show me safety and I will never go against your will. I will sheathe my heart with goodness and follow your every bidding. Just keep me safe."

She knew The Blithesome Miss did not waste her time listening to petty prayers of a Bahk - a simple peasant - but it was worth the shot. She believed in her power and the fate she had written for her, all she needed was a little guidance. She felt so lost. Where could she go? Where could a Mihr possibly be safe in a world like this?

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