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She had only just seen Callath walk away with the Mihrisa when a broad, bulking figure ran towards her, calling her name. Instantly her heart flooded with happiness when she saw her brother come running towards her, worry, but relief painted across his features.

"Bhria!" He called again and without an ounce of hesitation wrapped his large arms around her when he came to her, pulling her into his embrace. "Sweet Miss, you are okay!"

Bhria closed her eyes and let herself seep into the comfort of her only living relative's body, clutching the fabric of his black Lathra uniform. He wasn't wearing his metal, which meant he had to be off-duty this moment. For that she was happy, mostly because it meant he wasn't currently in any danger either, but also because it allowed her to hug him back properly without being stopped by steely chestplates or hard spaulders.

From the way her brother hugged her back, Bhria had to assume he had kept up with the latest developments. News traveled fast in Drala, so it was natural he of course knew what had happened to the Lady Kahtrina.

"I'm alright," She confirmed to the pec of his chest which he had squashed her to. She could hear his heart beating steadily, but a little faster than normal. "I was never in any danger..."

Byhron pulled back now and met her eyes with a stare. "Don't you dare tell me you weren't in any danger, Bhria. I heard what they did to her Kischmir, that could've been you."

"Byhron," She tried, placing her hand against his chest when he was working himself up. His teeth were grinding and his eyes were darkening in anger, and they were still in the middle of the castle's courtyard. Kathmirs and Kischmirs around them were unloading the wagons and taking care of the horses, but were shying glances their way when Byhron's voice began rising. Calmingly, Bhria looked up at her brother and took a deep breath for him. "I am here now, that's all that matters. I wasn't harmed and neither were you--"

"I am a Lathra," He reminded her sternly. "You're a female, a Kischmir. My sister. My flesh and blood." He closed his eyes and Bhria watched as his nostrils flared while he tried to calm himself. "If anything happened to you... if someone laid even a finger on you..."

Bhria immediately felt a burst of heat steam off her cheeks. Someone had laid a finger on her, quite more than a finger actually. But then again, she had laid her fingers on him, too...

"What?" Byhron questioned, not having missed the warmth coming from his sister, nor the scarlet gleam that lit up her cheeks. His eyes narrowed, but flashed. "What happened? Did someone--"

"No!" Bhria quickly assured him, too quickly. She nervously swallowed and tried to compose herself. "Nothing has happened. I just... I was thinking about the Lady Kahtrina..." Lying stung on her tongue, but it was only a half lie. She was thinking about the Lady Kahtrina, but now her biggest concern suddenly selfishly shifted to making sure her brother didn't find out that his superior had put his lips on her. And that she had put hers back on him.

She felt herself blush again.

Her brother wasn't stupid. He didn't buy her obvious lie, not for a second. His eyes narrowed even more and he looked her over, trailing his eyes down her tiny body as if trying to determine if anyone had harmed her, left a visible bruise on her he could call her out on. When he didn't find any, he instead just gritted his teeth. "Don't lie to me, Bhria. If any male has come near you or even tried, you would tell me, wouldn't you? You're my sister and--"

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