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She tweaked the last garnish on top of the juicy cow shank she had cooked, and then took a step back to admire her creation.

For hours she had been prepping the Dralan's meal, taking pride in each little cut and slice as she knew every bite would feed the leader of their kingdom. The fact that he was allowing her to prep his food and feed it to him was an honor she couldn't express with words. The bare thought had her heart drumming faster and she quickly calmed herself down.

She knew he had been in a meeting with his councilmen all day. Hours of hours of planning and talking state matter, she expected him to come back tired and hungry. He was busy with the war raging on in his kingdom, and when he entered this room, it was her pleasure to lift his burden. She would sate him first with the food she had made, then offer him her vein to feed to his satisfaction.

And then, if he so desired, she had washed and prepped her body for if he felt like nourishing from her thighs as well.

Heat spread on her skin, and her legs made a clench as she thought back to the past few days. How he had attended to her and cared for her, expressed his affection and appreciation of her through his actions. Never before had a male courted her, but she knew that was what he was doing. And he was the King, no less!

She sighed and took a seat in one of the chair while she waited for him to return.

He was courting her like he had been supposed to court Lady Kahtrina. Sharing meals with her, spending late nights talking with her, drinking from her vein... one night all he had done was strip her of her clothes and lie with her, just to feel her skin against his.

He couldn't appreciate her the way he truly wanted to, so this was the best he could do. Sharing his warmth with her, feeding her from his hand and showering her with his compliments and gentle touches.

And to think this was the same male who had conquered the throne by slaying three warlords who at the time had joined together and taken control over Saurgohn. He faced them in battle and relieved them of their heads one by one.

After that, he had proven his worth to claim the throne. His blood was strong and his enemies were his drive. Nothing and nobody would take his throne from him, not even Phlague who was his current enemy.

- He would slay him in front of everybody to prove who was the real leader of the kingdom.

Just as Leyla thought that, the door opened. She sprung up and as did her heart when said leader entered the room and laid his electric blue eyes on her. His lip tugged upwards and then he was making his way towards her, strong and steady feet that had crossed battlefields.

The heat inside Leyla's body amplified as he stopped in front of her and cupped her face, brushing his thumb over her blushing cheek. She saw his nostrils move and she knew he had smelt her. Her arousal. The tint on her cheeks deepened.

"Dahna." His heavy voice filled her ears and she turned to soft clay beneath him as he leaned down and breathed her in. "Have you been thinking about me today?"

She nodded shakily. He hadn't left her mind for one moment. "I prepared you dinner."

The small purr that left his lips was appreciative, proud. "Let's eat. Come."

He sat down first as usual but brought her with him. Sitting her on his lap, he pulled her as high up as she could come. As always, the bulge of his manhood pressed against her rear, and tonight it felt particularly hard. She shuddered discreetly and tried to focus on the food.

Silently she picked the best food for him, feeling him watch her intensely as she did. She had noticed over the last couple of days that he liked watching her work. He kept staring at her while she fluffed his pillows and rearranged her stuff on the vanity table, but he never interrupted her like she expected him to. Instead he watched her work herself into a circle whereafter he smiled and shook his head.

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