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Callath groaned from his seat and looked down as the female before him sucked on his cock. The Dralan sat across from him, a female kneeling before himself as well. "So?"

"So," Callath said and looked at the Dralan while he guided the female's head up and down his length. "For now the existence of your Mihrisa has been kept secret from the rest of the world. By presenting her at the Bhrakla Aurora, you are putting a target on her back. What if Phlague comes after her?"

"He won't ever have the opportunity to do so," The Dralan said and gritted his teeth as the female in front of him sucked on his tip and cupped his heavy sac. "She stays safe as long as she is in the castle. I won't permit her to leave it, ever."

"So you plan on keeping her incarcerated until the day you finally find your Dralaq?" Callath questioned.

That was the plan, but the Dralan knew it was a foolish one. He could keep the female locked up in his chambers forever if he wanted to, but what good would that do? She would grow unhappy, like a flower she would wither away if she did not get fresh air and sunlight. Besides, by keeping her there, he was only prolonging the probability of him one day losing his control and jumping her. If it was up to him, he would have had her on his bed from day one.

"So you do not think good of my idea to have her perform at the Bhrakla Aurora?" The Dralan harshly asked.

Callath squared his jaw as the female sucked on him. He let a small groan go, but then eyed his Dralan out. "I would never doubt my Dralan's choices. If he thinks it is a good idea, I stand fully behind it."

The Dralan nodded, pleased. Callath always were a good, loyal friend. "Next order of business, then. I want you to dig up the Old Scrolls."

Callath's head shot up and looked at his Dralan with a raised brow. "The Old Scrolls, my lord? Any particular one?"

The Dralan watched the female before him lick up his shaft in her effort to please him. Truth be told, he wasn't really in the mood. Ever since his Mihrisa dropped into his life, the only thing he had truly craved was her; her food, her blood, her body, her soul. The female before him did a swell job of sucking him off, but he just didn't feel the same arousal he felt when he was around his Mihrisa - wasn't hard the same way.

"The scroll of rules and boundaries regarding the limitations of a Mihrisa."

At the Dralan's reply, Callath raised yet another brow. "You want to know... how far you can go with her?"

"I want to know where the limits lie of what I can do to her," The Dralan growled. It had been driving him crazy. He wanted to touch her, but couldn't, afraid that he might strip her of her status. He hadn't dealt with a Mihrisa in a long while, so he needed to be refreshed in what was allowed and what was not.

"I see," Callath replied and cleared his throat. "Well, I am not an expert on the matter, but I know that what separates a Mihr from a Mihrisa is what they have been exposed to; A Mihr is pure by body, a Mihrisa is pure by soul. Meaning, a Mihrisa cannot be exposed to crude, sexual things, or else it will inflict her status. To remain a Mihrisa, she must be innocent by heart."

The Dralan growled to himself. Fucking rules. He wanted nothing more than to touch his Mihrisa, please her, but still keep her title intact. It suited her so well. The look in her eyes... he never wanted her to lose that, the pure innocence that radiated from them. In this chaotic world, it was a rare sight to behold. "So where does the boundaries lie then?"

"Well... if the Dralan could give an example...?"

"Nudity. What does the scrolls say of that?"

"Nudity..." Callath echoed, grunting softly as the female before him sucked hard on him. His breath was becoming labored, obviously closing in on his climax. "Nudity is the purest form of innocence. We were born that way, in the flesh and nothing else. Nudity should be okay. That is, of course, if you think you could stay away from her if she was naked."

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