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Silently, Leyla stood and watched as the Dralan stared at the mysterious ruby-bedazzled shrine that his personal Kathmir Callath presented to him. She figured that the Dralan knew Callath well since he addressed him by his birth name when he entered. Perhaps they were old friends. Maybe that was why he was his personal Kathmir today.

Leyla didn't know what the red shrine meant, but by the stricken look on the Dralan's face, it was something serious. It was only when Callath spoke again, she understood what had him so silent.

"A potential Dralaq has been found."

That statement jabbed into her body like a sharp knife and pierced her until she felt like a chopped cadaver. It hurt so much, she was forced to bite down on her tongue not to let out a whimper.

A Dralaq. If a potential Dralaq had been found, that meant... that meant her purpose would be over soon. If he mated her, he would no longer need a Mihr to feed from. Much less a Mihrisa. What use would he find in keeping a female around that he did not have to use for the purpose of her blood anymore? His Dralaq would provide him that service, as well as carry his youngs.

The realization hurt Leyla so much, her body begun aching all over.

No, she told herself. She should be happy for her Dralan. Thrilled, even. This was, after all, his destiny; To find a mate whom he'd impregnate and so continue on his noble bloodline. How dared she think of her own selfish needs when the Dralan was finally getting what he needed?

"Who is the female?" The Dralan finally spoke after a long time of silence, simply watching the shrine. He still hadn't taken it.

"The daughter of the Lord of Amascahr." Callath silently replied. "Her beauty is the talk in all the south-western land."

Oh, she is beautiful, too, Leyla thought, her bottom lip quivering. Rich and beautiful. And a Mihr, like her. Perhaps even a Mihrisa. Everything the Dralan would want.

"What is her age?"

"She is of proper age to be fertile and attractive to his majesty," Callath continued. He was still holding out the shrine, but after another moment where the Dralan still hadn't taken it, he hesitatingly asked, "Sire? The token."

Grabbing the shrine at last, the Dralan nodded though he seemed irritated. "I will inspect it tonight. If I find her scent to my liking, have my Lathras prepared to adjourn at my command."

"Yes, my lord."

Callath bowed again and then backed out of the room, closing the door behind himself. A silence now stretched between them wherein Leyla couldn't move - couldn't breathe.

A Dralaq... None of them said it out loud, but the echo in the room spoke for itself.

A Dralaq. A Dralaq. A Dralaq.

Finally, the Dralan sighed and looked down at the shrine in his hand. He traced his fingers over the embezzled rubies that were the same shade of red as blood. "A Dralaq at last..."

Hearing the words get spoken hurt as well. Leyla bit down the pain and rejection and masked her voice as well as she could. "M-my Lord?"

He looked up as if only just remembering she was there. "Mihrisa." His attention then zoned in solely on her and he walked up to her. He lifted one hand to her cheek, but she flinched at his touch. She did not feel that it was hers to feel anymore. Not when it would soon belong to someone else.

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