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[The amazing cover is made by @The_Lancelot_ 💗 I can't express how much I adore it, baah, it's exactly how I imagine Leyla brushing her hair away when Dohmenic has to feed 😁]


Leyla had no idea how Kahtrina had managed to convince the Dralan of the brilliance outing where everyone should join in. A small part of her didn't want to think of how she did it, but after her talk with her yesterday, she was confident that the female hadn't used any backstabbing means to achieve their wish. She genuinely seemed as a sweet female, and after a long talk with Bhria, she agreed, too.

The Dralan, in the meantime, hadn't showed his face around her in almost a full day. His intolerance of her had now reached the levels of where he couldn't even be near her. Leyla had slept alone for the first time last night and it had been the loneliest she had felt since her parents died. Still, besides the hurt in her chest from the strong rejection, she steeled herself that next morning. She wasn't going to pine after him anymore, and certainly not today. For the first time in a long while, she was going out to catch some fresh air. Not from the confinements of a carriage, nor from the cracked open windows of the castle walls - actual air.

So that's why Leyla that morning, as Bhria helped her get dressed in a beautiful dark-green, loose dress - one of her own designs - she stayed nothing but optimistic. She looked forward to stretching her legs, to breathing in that fresh, sea-salt air. She had grown up by the ocean, back in Eralthdrulth, so that particular scent had a calming, nostalgic effect on her. She couldn't wait to get it into her lungs.

Bhria finished fixing her hair and dress, and then not shortly after, the brief knock came on the door. It was then opened to reveal Callath, who then stepped in and gave a bow. "Is the Mihrisa ready to go?"

Leyla instantly nodded and looked sideways at Bhria to share the excitement. However, the female had obediently lowered her head as she should in Callath's presence, only Leyla could not help but notice the vague pink blush on her cheeks.

Could it be... that Bhria had a crush on the Dralan's personal Kathmir?

Leyla bit her lip to stop a smile from creeping onto her lips. How sweet that would be. She wrote a mental note for later to look out for more signs of chemistry between the two of them, but for now, she pretended not to see it. Only when she was sure, was she going to ask Bhria about it.

"I'm ready," Leyla therefore said and bowed her head politely as Callath walked up to her and stretched out his arm, the one she had gotten so accustomed to being led by.

"The Dralan and the Lady Kahtrina are waiting," He told, and then with a nod to the guards who had been posted outside of the chamber since Leyla's small trip out on her own, he began leading her down the halls and down the stairs to the foyer - Bhria trailing five feet behind them as required.

They made it down into the grand foyer where Leyla found Lord Amasgohn and Lady Derina - his mate - waiting alongside their kids; Their son Tharlis and his mate Seralia, the little lady Auhrelia who was sucking her thumb next to them, and lastly, the Lady Kahtrina who stood next to the Dralan himself, who instantly glanced up at Leyla the moment she came down the stairs. She saw his eyes briefly travel down her attire for the day and then saw his jaw clench tightly.

He probably disapproved of the design of the dress or the color, Leyla thought and lowered her eyes as they made it to the foot of the stairs. It was her own design, so it wasn't as fancy as any of the dresses he got made for her. She just didn't want to wear those anymore. She didn't belong to him, so therefore she didn't want anything from him. Be damned if she then looked like a cheap commoner next to him in her own designs. She could care less.

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