Where am I?!

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I opened my eyes to see a grey room. I looked around and I didn't know what to do. I had no idea where I was...

I then heard footsteps. What do I do?! I started to get nervous. I sat up and the door opened slowly as my stomach dropped.

"Hey." I heard Ethan say in a rusty voice.

"What did you do to me?!" I asked loudly and he smiled.

"Why does it matter?" he asked with a laugh.

"I don't wanna be here... I'm leaving." I said getting up and walking towards the door. I then, felt a hand on my stomach.

Ethan pushed me back and I sighed from hurt. Ethan looked at me strange and his eyebrows dropped.

He walked over and I backed away with every step he took. I was soon against the wall and Ethan had me trapped.

He grabbed the bottom of my shirt and I tried to push him away. But, he was stronger... He lifted my shirt and saw my side.

*Ethan's POV*

I lifted Jayden's shirt to see a big, purple bruise, covering her whole left side. Did I do this to her?

"Who?" I asked scared it was me.

"Grayson..." she said and I sighed. How did he do this to her? This is terrible! My thoughts were then interrupted by Grayson walking into the room.

"She woke up?" he said walking towards Jayden and I got nervous.

"I've got her for now..." he said motioning me out of the room and I walked out. But, I listened through the door.

I heard loud bangs and screams that got bigger and louder, each time. I heard little cries in between each bang.

I couldn't handle what we had been doing to her. I want to go stop Grayson. But, I just know I can't... because, he'll beat me up, too...

He's a lot stronger than me and a lot more aggressive than me. I'm scared that were hurting her too bad.

What am I saying?!

I don't like Jayden with one ounce of my heart! She deserves to be treated this way. I then saw Grayson walking out of the room.

His hands were bloody and he went straight to the bathroom to wash them. He was moving quickly. But, I got a good look at them...

What did he do?!

I opened the door to see Jayden struggling, trying to get out of the room. She dragged her backpack along the floor and looked up.

When she saw me she turned around and started to cry. She backed up into the corner scared.

I walked over slowly as she got more scared by every step I took. I grabbed her arms, helping her up and she looked confused.

*Jayden's POV*

What is Ethan doing? Why isn't he beating me up? He's being so sweet... Why is he doing that. He was so soft and polite.

He touched my lip slowly and softly and you could see the sadness in his eyes. Why is he being so sweet?!

I don't know what to think about this...

"I'm so sorry." he said and I didn't say anything.

"And if your lip wasn't so bloody, I would probably be kissing it..." he said and I had no idea what to do!

"What the f*ck!" Grayson yelled through the house.

"What?!" Ethan yelled back.

"Someone is in the driveway... and she has a gun!" he yelled and my eyes went big.

*Ethan's POV*

I ran down the stairs and saw a lady with a gun, standing on our front porch. I sighed and opened the door.

"Have you seen Jayden?!" the lady asked Grayson and I and my eyes got big.

"No... I'm not sure who that is..." I replied and Grayson nodded his head.

"Well, I saw her come here! Someone was dragging her!" the lady yelled as another woman got out of the same car.

"Helen! What are you doing?! Get back in the car!" she yelled and the other lady sighed.

"I'm so sorry. That was my sister... We've been going house to house to find clues... because, my daughter Jayden went missing today. Her Aunt is just a little shaken up about the whole situation. Have you seen her around? Or have you seen any suspicious characters?" She asked and I sighed.

"No!" Grayson said loud and I looked over my shoulder. Grayson was surprised that he had yelled and the lady was frightened.

"What he is trying to say is, we have not seen her. But, if we find her, we will let you know." I said for the both of us and she gave me her number.

I closed the door and the lady left. I then, turned around and saw Jayden.

"Mom?!" She said seeing the car drive away.

"Don't worry. Ethan can take you home." Grayson said and I smiled, opening the door.

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