Not Accepted...

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Ethan and I sat on his bed as he grabbed my hands. He told me not to worry about his Mom and Sister. But, that's all I could think about.

They were coming today... The boys are the only thing I care about now. I still care for my Mom. But, it's just complicated...

"Ethan! Jayden!" Grayson yelled from downstairs.

"What!" Ethan answered back as I remained silent. I knew what was happening and I was too scared to speak.

"Mom and Cameron are here!" he yelled back and Ethan got up from his bed quick, still holding my hand.

"Come on! It'll be okay... They will love you!" Ethan said and I stood up slowly. I walked down the stairs with Ethan and saw Grayson standing at the door.

I looked through the window to see them getting out of a car. As they approached the front porch, Grayson opened the door for them.

She first hugged Grayson, then, Ethan. Then, she saw me and Cameron did, too. I could tell that their Mom didn't know who I was. But, Cameron just smiled at me.

"Who is this?" she asked Ethan and he still had his arm around me. Then, Cameron started to speak.

"That's Ethan's girlfriend..." she said smiling at me.

"How did you know?" Ethan asked her and she laughed.

"Grayson obviously told me." she said giving Gray and Ethan a hug. Then, she gave me one, too.

"I've heard all about you. But, all good things." she said dropping her bags on the floor. Then, she looked over at her Mom and smiled again.

"Mom. Trust me. The boys need her. She'll keep them in line. Don't worry." she said and their Mom gave me a hug.

"Please, take care of them." she said and I smiled.

"Don't worry. I will." I replied and she let go.

"So, Cameron and I decided that we are going to go up to the apartment with you guys until you get moved in completely... Is that okay?" their Mom asked as Ethan and Grayson both said yes at the same exact time as I nodded yes.

We all packed for a few hours until it was finally time to eat. I could not have been more happy to get out of Ethan's room and into the kitchen.

"Guys? What do you want to do for dinner?" their Mom yelled up through the house, from downstairs.

Grayson and Ethan went running downstairs. But, a terrible pain went through my stomach. I immediately blamed cramps. Then, I felt really weird.

That's when everything came up. I ran to Ethan's bathroom and puked into the toilet. Then, I heard the footsteps stop on the stairs.

The door opened to the bathroom and Ethan walked over.

"What happened? Why'd you throw up?" Ethan asked not too worried. But, still a little worried about me.

"I guess I just have a little cold." I replied to Ethan and he didn't seem to think that was a correct answer.

"You are throwing up like that, and you think that's it's just a little cold?" Ethan asked as if I was stupid.

"Well... Yeah. That's what I'm going with." I said again, standing up. I began to walk past him and out the door as he grabbed my wrist, holding me back.

"Stop." I said sternly to him as he smiled.

"No..." he replied to me waiting to see my reaction of his denial and in all honesty, I was very annoyed...

"Ethan?" I said quietly.

"What's wrong?" he asked and a little bit of sadness filled up inside me. I'm not sure why I got sad. I just did.

"I... don't even know. But, it probably has to do with my period. I was supposed to start two days ago. But, that's usual for it to be off. That's probably all this is." I said and Ethan smiled.

"Okay. Then, let's go eat!" Ethan said and I walked a little slower behind him. But, he stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

He turned his back to me and I hopped on top of him. I couldn't help not laughing. I wanted to be in a bad mood. But, I couldn't be when Ethan was around.

People always described the twins as being exactly the same. But, I'm not sure how I would describe them.

Although they look a lot alike, they act so different! Grayson gets mad a lot easier than Ethan does, Ethan is funny at all times, while Grayson can get emotional at any time.

Their voices are different; Grayson's is deeper than Ethan's. Their heights are different because, Grayson is a little taller than Ethan. This got me thinking...

Ethan and Grayson are so different. But, at the same time, they are almost the same. Yet, I love them both.

That is what I find weird. It's weird how you can love two people that are so different, but, so the same.

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