My Story

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I slowly ran my fingers over the cuts on my wrist and sighed. Then, I heard a bang downstairs and my eyes went big.

I grabbed my backpack and headed down the stairs. I walked through the kitchen being as quiet as I could be, so, I wouldn't run into my Aunt, who is currently staying with us...

I then, heard footsteps and sighed. Then, what felt like a whip, hit me in the face.

"Don't you freaking sigh! We don't want you here! Get to school, you slut!" I heard my Aunt Helen, say as I put my hand over my face, where she had hit me.

I walked out the door and started walking to school. On my way, I saw a guy walking my way. He came up and started walking beside me. That's when I realized it wasn't a guy... It was two guys.

Oh no! Ethan and Grayson?!

"So, what you got going today?" Grayson asked grabbing my backpack and pulling my closer. He looked at me for a few seconds as if I had something in my teeth as I struggled to get away from his hold.

"Let me go." I said and Ethan walked over. Then, he started staring, too.

"What's wrong? You don't like us or something?" he asked again and I looked away.

"Answer the question!" Grayson yelled right next to my ear.

"I said go away." I replied again softly.

"Ethan? She's dodging the question!" Grayson said and I sighed.

"I noticed!" Ethan replied pushing me to the ground as he walked over to Grayson.

"Ow!" I say and Ethan kicked me in my side, walking away, as Grayson bent down next to my ear and started to whisper.

"Just wait for after school." Grayson whispered, licking the top of my ear and I pushed his face away from me as he started walking away.

I got up from the ground and brushed myself off. I then, started walking to school. Once I got there I looked around to see everyone staring at me.

I tried to keep walking, but, why were they all staring at me? They've never given me this kind of attention before.

I walked into the school and to my first class. On my way there a girl stopped and looked at me.

"What?!" I asked and she pointed to my face. I felt my hand to my face and pulled it away. When I saw my hand my eyes got big.

"Oh no!" I said walking away as fast as I could from the girl and into the bathroom. I walked in and looked over at the mirror.

I looked at my face and sighed. I wiped the blood from my face, until all that was left there, was a cut.

I wasn't surprised at all. My Aunt has left these cuts and marks on me before. Sometimes she wears her ring backwards just for that reason...

I have no idea how she ever got married in the first place.

When I was about 11 years old, I loved my Aunt. She was so fun and cool. But, when my Aunt got married, she stopped being so cool and fun.

It was like she had forgotten all about me. One day, I was upset about her not being fun anymore.

But, when I said something about it for the first time, my Aunt hit me. My new uncle thought very low of my Aunt from then on.

He got so upset that it caused a fight and they separated. My Aunt immediately blamed me for the whole situation.

Her ex-husband kicked her out of her house and she moved in with me and my family. Ever since then, she hasn't taken off her ring.

But, she for some reason wears it diamond down instead of diamond up. So, sometimes when she hits me, she draws blood with the diamond.

You're probably wondering why my parents don't do anything about my Aunt being abusive. But, they don't even know.

Well, I have tried to tell my parents. They don't believe me. So, I am forced to go about my life as if nothing is going on.

But, sometimes I wonder what would happen if people knew about my home life. Would my bullies stop or would they go harder? Who knows?

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