Come out of The Rabbit Hole Ms.Cotton Tail (3)

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It was all blank. I didn't have a rational thought running threw my clouded mind as I was thrown back into the time warp and landed safely in the motel room.

"Scar?" I jumped, Sam and Dean were both standing by the table when I had whipped myself around to catch sight of them.

"I saw it." I blurt out watching them attentively before turning to look at the ground. "I watched Crowley kill me." A painful flash of images come flooding back and I could remember it threw my own eyes. The last thing I could remember was Sam and Dean. Their almost relieved faces before it was all taken back. "I felt the knife," My voice catches in the back of my throat as I look up to face them. Sam had a pitying and worn expression burned onto his face while Dean just stared at me, almost guilt written. I wiped my teary eyes, turning away from them. "sorry." I murmur, pushing stray red hairs out of my face.  

"No Scarlett." I look to Dean who is walking towards me, past Sam. "Don't do that. Don't do that to yourself." He is standing right in front of me now, our gazes locked on each other. "We both know what you just saw. You saw what I did to you."


"No Scarlett," He snaps. "I killed you. Me." He say to me, taking my shoulders. "Not Crowley, not some demon, it was me!"   I raise my arms, taking his and pushing his own down.

"I saw Dean," I tell him. "I saw everything." I don't continue on but he looks at me, questioning.

"Well get angry or something. Tell me you hate me." He says. "Don't just act like it's OK because if you killed me, I'd be pretty pissed." He continues looking at me seriously but I couldn't conceal a giggle. A small smile breaks onto his lips but he tries to hide it. "Serious talk here, now. Come on." He takes my arm again, pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck, returning the embrace. "Glad to have you back." He says to me. I let go of him, looking him in the eye.

"Glad to be back." I say to him, punching him playfully in the shoulder. He smiles but still had the same guilty eyes as he looked down on me. Finally, I looked past him and saw Sam staring at us with longing eyes.

"So how bad do you feel now?" Sam asks as I slowly made my way towards him.

"Whose to say I feel bad?" I ask him. He looks at me with his famous do-I-look-like-an-idiot look. I shrug. "Sam, I really do feel fine."

"You should know that the last time I heard that and the guy was telling the truth," Dean says from behind me. "he didn't have a soul." Sam's mouth twitches as he sighs heavily.

"I just wish you guys would quit asking me if I'm alright. I am honestly OK." I walk past Sam and for the washroom. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a shower." I say, shutting the door behind me, locking it. I walked to the mirror, looking at my reflection which I was less than impressed with.

My hair wasn't in it's natural volume or whip straight fashion. It was wavy, slightly messy and fell longer than it ever has.  I was more pale than usual and upon taking off my sweater I saw my collar bones were close to popping out of my skin along with the bones in my neck and basically every other bone in my body.

Finally sick of my reflection, I turn away and start my shower.

I wrapped the towel tightly around my body and noticed a bag full of fresh clothes placed on the bathroom floor by the door which I am asuming Sam had brought in earlier while I was in the shower. Fishing threw it, I found my old clothes.  Stuff I had worn what felt like hundreds of years ago. A few pairs of ripped jeans, a couple plaid shirts, t-shirts, leggings and some dress clothes.  I easily decided on the concert t-shirt I got when Dean, Sam and I went to see Kiss in Ohio with a pair of gray leggings.

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