Tacos and cheek kisses

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(A/N: His beautiful squinty-eyed smile is everything.)

The next morning I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. Half-asleep, I blindly reached for my phone and answered without looking at the Caller ID.

"Hello, Elle. This is DJ Spooky Jim calling to inform you that a very handsome man by the name of Joshua Dun would be over at 12:00 p.m. to pick you up."

And before I could answer, he hung up. Where the heck is he going to take me?

I quickly took a shower and started to get ready for the day. I had a giddy feeling inside my stomach. It was odd to have something to look forward to. Usually I would go through the days like a mindless zombie, repeating the same boring routine every day. I was going through the days without any meaning. Without anything to look forward to. The only thing keeping me going is hope. Hope that someday everything will turn around and that I would actually be happy. I wasn't sad, but I wasn't happy either. It seemed like I was stuck somewhere in the middle. I felt numb, emotionless. I was empty, and the black void in my heart needed to be filled. But ever since Tyler and Josh came into my life, the hole was slowly filling up again.

At exactly 12:00, the doorbell rang. Luckily my parents were at work and Gabe was at his friend's house. Quickly, I ran down the stairs and opened the door.

"Hey, Josh."
"Salutations," he replied with a nervous smile. His hands were fiddling with the strings of the black hoodie he seemed to always be wearing.

"You, uh...you ready to go?"
"Sure, where's Tyler?" I asked, noticing the absence of the boy.

"Oh, uh...you see..." He circled his arm over his head and started playing with the blue curls that hid under his grey beanie.
"...Tyler couldn't make it today. He's really busy with important stuff that he needs to do. He's got places to be...Darn! So sad he couldn't make it today. I guess it's just gonna be me and you," he said with a sly smile. And with that, he grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the car, which was parked in the driveway of Tyler's house. He opened up the passenger seat, letting me pass through.

I rolled my eyes,"What a gentleman."
He circled around the car and sat in the driver's seat. I still had no idea where we were going.

"Alright, so I'm stealing Tyler's car so don't tell him. And don't leave any evidence behind!"

Just then, Tyler walked out the front door of his house. He was wearing a dark blue robe and fuzzy slippers, with a bowl of cereal in his right hand. His brown hair was stuck up in different angles, like he had just rolled out of bed. He walked over to the mailbox and started sorting through the mail. He hasn't seen us yet. I turned and raised my eyebrows at Josh, "He's got places to be, huh?"

"Quick! Duck down! We can't let him see us!" He got off the seat and tried to sit on the floor of the car, hitting his head on the steering wheel in the process. I made no move at all, watching him with an amused expression.
"Why aren't you ducking? He's gonna-"

"Josh, Arielle, what are you guys doing in my car?" Tyler stood by the driver's seat, spooning cereal into his mouth while staring at us with furrowed eyebrows.

"Dude, why are you on the floor? I could see you," Tyler said with a mouthful of cereal. Josh rolled down the window.

"Tyler, my man! So glad to see you! How ya doin'?" He replied as he sat up in his seat, hitting his head in the steering wheel again.

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