Chaper 1:

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I stood up carefully and looked at my hands. My skin seemed clearer, how could that be? As I was silently admiring my new shimmery colored skin, I noticed something at my feet.

I jumped back as fast as I could and covered my mouth, holding in a scream. It was me, or well, my body. It was sprawled out on the pavement with my limbs bending in the wrong directions. There were people in matching uniforms putting police tape around me.

"STOP!" I yelled. No one acknowledged me. "Stop! Please..."

But once again, nothing. Who am I? Is this a dream?

I felt the tears stinging in my eyes and looked up to the top of the hospital. That's where I came from... That's where I fell....

It was slowly sinking in. Im dead. I fell off the roof of the hospital... after my friend... My friend....

The tears poured and I ran. I didn't know where I was going but I ran.

Then suddenly I stopped. There were no more tears. No more sadness. I looked at my hands again and curled my fingers into my palms.

I looked back behind me from where I came. "Skylar."

I turned and started running back towards the hospital. She had to have still been there. It hasn't been too long since...

I ran as hard as I could. Hoping no one would think I'm this massive psycho that was running back and forth down the street.

Finally I had made it back to the hospital. I doubled over and planted my hands on my knees, resting to catch my breath.

Once my breathing was back, I stood and walked up to the automatic door and waited for it to open. It didn't.

I gave a confused look to the sensor as I waved my hand slightly. Still nothing.

I looked around me and made sure no one was watching then I jumped and wiggled my body in front of the doors. They remained closed.

"You've got to be fucking joking," I whined as I fell to my knees on the pavement. "This is a hospital for gods sake, shouldn't the doors at least work?"

Just then they slid open, a cool draft escaped it's way out just as someone strolled through the entrance next to me.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, jogging into the cool building before the doors shut once again.

I took a deep breath as I approached the sign in desk in the front.

"I'm here to see a friend." I spoke to the women sitting at a small counter, scribbling words onto a paper.

She didn't flinch in the slightest.

"Hello?" I waved my hand in front of her face like I did to the sensor on the doors outside. "Ma'am?" I touched the top of her hand softly and she shivered.

"Goodness!" She exclaimed. "Ronald! Do you mind turning the AC down please?" She turned in her spin chair and hollered at a man walking by with a tool belt strapped around his waist.

"Sure thing Donna" he replied and winked at her.

I stood there speechless and walked cautiously around the giant, circle shaped desk. No one even turned their head or yelled at me to sign in.

I shrugged and headed towards the elevators.

I stood there blankly as I waited for the elevator to get to my level.

It's kind of odd that people don't notice me. I wonder what the deal is. I mean. Am I a ghost?

Just then I heard an almost silent ding and the elevator doors opened.

I stepped in and tucked my hair behind my ear. And looked at the floor buttons. I had no clue where I was going.

Would she still be in urgent care? Or in the ICU already?

I took a deep breath and hit the button for floor number 2. That's where they keep the ER patients. I figured I'd check there first since obviously no one was going to help me.

The elevator dinged once again and I stepped out into a hall.

I heard beeping sounds coming from all around me. God I hate hospitals.

I searched the whole emergency wing for about an hour and a half and I couldn't find Skylar anywhere.

"Now to ICU I guess." I huffed and headed back to the elevators.

This time when the elevator came, I hit the button for floor number 4. That's where the ICU was.

The ICU was full of Patients that were on close watch. Like people that had been in car accidents or had been raped or have organ problems. People who needed a lot of intensive care.

With Skylars case, she'd be on suicide watch for a few days since they would still call her "unstable"

I walked by a room where a nurse had just walked in with a tray holding two cups on it. Her voice was soft and soothing as she greeted the patient inside.

I snooped around and peeked in the room across from the one the nurse had walked in. There was an older woman in there. She was hooked up to all these machines that made all different kinds of sounds. She was sleeping soundly with her hand on her chest. Poor thing.

While I was watching the older woman sleep, I listened to the conversation next door.

Girl: "but ma'am I'm starving."

Nurse: "I know sweetie, but only jello and water for now. You can't just start eating donuts and pizza right after getting your stomach pumped"

Girl: "you wouldn't be willing to at least slip me something small?"

Nurse: "hush child."

Girl: "ugh!"

I walked over to the room and leaned against the door frame to observe the conversation further.

The nurse placed a cup in the girls hand. I couldn't see who the girl was because the nurse was standing in the way but her voice sounded awfully familiar.

Nurse: "now, I'll be back in an hour to check up on you, if you need anything before then, you know how to contact me."

Just then the nurse moved to grab the tray off of the chair she had placed it in and I made eye contact with Skylar.

The cup dropped from her hand and she let out a scream. Ice and water splashed on the floor and Skylar sat up right in her bed.

"Oh my gosh!" Said the nurse. "What's gotten into you?!" She exclaimed

"Th-there!" sputtered Skylar, pointing at me.

The nurse looked over to where I was standing and shook her head. "Honey, you have got to calm down. There's nothing there."

I raised my eyebrow at the nurse as she bent down to wipe up the water.

"Y-you mean you can't see her?!" Skylar shouted.

"Quiet down honey," the nurse said softly, standing back up with a wet rag in her hand. "Get some rest, your mind needs it."

After that she walked towards me and I stepped out of the way so she could leave.

I looked up again at Skylar. She was just sitting there staring at me.

"You can see me?" I asked, approaching her bed slowly.

She pulled the covers over her body and held onto them with white knuckles. "Y-you're dead!"

I nodded and spread my arms out slightly. "Seems that way huh?"

"H-how can I see you?!" Her voice cracked

I sat down in a chair next to her bed and shrugged. "I'm still trying to figure that out myself."

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