Chapter 23:

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Hunters mom decided to stop in Knoxville for the night. She was exhausted.

I was so grateful for her, she was just like a mother to me.

Hunter slept most of the way until the sun started going down and we arrived in town.

He stretched and wiped the drool from his lips.

"G'mornin!" His mom smiled back at him. He returned a smirk.

We pulled into a hotel parking lot, a much nicer hotel than the one that we stayed in before.

We all unloaded and Skylar walked far behind us, sleep in her eyes and a pillow under her arm.

Hunters mom went to the front desk to book a room for us.

"500 dollars ma'am" the lady behind the desk answered, smiling.

I walked over to the desk and laid the money out on the table after pulling it from the stack in my bag.

Hunters mom looked at me confused.

"I want to pitch in" I smiled. "This is for Me, it's the least I can do."

She smiled at me with tired eyes and squeezed my hand softly.

"Have a nice night ma'am." The hotel lady smiled as we walked towards the elevators.

We all slugged into the room.

All of us were exhausted. Except for me.

I wasn't really tired, but I could sleep if I wanted to.

I was scared to sleep, scared that time would pass me by if I even blinked too much.

I was scared that Id wake up and Hunter would be older, moved on without me.

Me. A Freak.

I loved him so much. I would do anything for him. Anything, even if anything meant letting him go to live his life without me.

Someone grabbed my hand and squeezed. It was him.

"You're thinking." He said and looked into my eyes.

I shrugged and tried not to blush.

"You know you can tell me anything." He gave me a reassuring smile and kissed my forehead and laid down in his bed with his mom.

I climbed into Skylars bed with her. She was already sleeping.

She had been so quiet lately. Which was odd for her, she always had something to say.

I was getting worried that she wasn't okay. She hasn't said a word to me.

Hunters eyes were closed as soon as his head hit the pillow.

I never understood sleep, how you could never get enough of it. You could sleep all day and still be tired.

Maybe it's just life that leaves everyone so exhausted. Everyone has tasks that have to be done during the day, and those tasks leave them overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion.

Sleep was a scary thing. It could take you in the night, in the most peaceful way, without warning.
I've never had anyone close to me die in their sleep. But everyone who has always sounds like they're  happy that their loved one went that way.

But what if they hadn't, would the family be filled with hatred? Would they blame themselves if the death wasn't so peaceful?

I didn't understand death either. I mean look at me.

I was dead- at least I think I am...

I didn't really know where I was, I don't think I'll ever understand this.

All I know is I don't like it, not one bit.

And even in all of this, I still don't blame anyone. Not even Zeke. I have a reason to, he killed me. But I don't blame anyone for how I am right now.

I just wish I could go back, change everything. Well- maybe not everything. I don't regret telling Skylar my feelings for Hunter.

I regret a lot of actions after that, but never my feelings for Hunter.

I regret going to smoke. Hell, I regret ever smoking in general.

I regret going on the roof to smoke. Out of all the places I could've gone, I went to the roof.

But I always found something exciting about high places. I was terrified of heights. Ironically.

But I loved being high up, above everything.

I think it's because I wasn't the happiest kid in the world. I've experienced pain, lots of it. But for once, when I was high up, I felt bigger, better. I felt like I could do anything, that no amount of pain could ever hurt me again.

Hunter snored loudly and shook me out of my thoughts. He rolled over and his mouth hung open.

He was still so cute. Even if he was drooling in loads.

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