Chapter 13:

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My mind was racing. I loved Skylar I really did but not that way.

She was like a sister to me. I wasn't sure what I'd do without her.

I couldn't risk having her get mad at me again. I needed the help.

So I decided to play along.

I faked a smile and stood up, grabbing her hand and pulling her up after me.

Just then a Doctor came in with a file in his hand.

"Good morning Miss Cox how are you feeling?"

The doctor was in a bright white coat and had a warming smile. You Could tell that he loved his job.

Skylar walked over to him and nodded "I'm feeling very good actually. Am I going home?"

The doctor smiled again. "Yes ma'am. I have called your parents, reluctantly of course because of the um... Well, the lack of visits from them and the circumstances are very..."

"Rare?" Skylar asked, finishing the doctors sentence.

His eyes winced. "Precisely"

Skylar shrugged "it's not every day someone gets arrested for murder in your hospital is it sir?"

He chuckled "you'd be surprised. Anywho, gather your things, your parents will be here any minute."

They exchanged thank you's and smiles before the doctor left.

Skylar turned to me and rolled her eyes.

I understood why she would be annoyed by her parents being a topic of conversation. They never really had much to do with her or her siblings. I don't know why though. I wasn't sure if it was because they were just too busy, or they didn't care. Either way, Zeke was always the one who stepped up, and I think that's why I was so shocked by his killing me.

"Are you coming?" Skylar spoke up as she was folding her other pair of clothes.

"Yeah why wouldn't I?"

She placed her toothbrush in a Baggie and sat down to lace her shoes up.

Skylars mother walked in the room.

She had a dark purple purse hanging from her elbow and her phone to her ear. A business call I presumed. She smacked loudly on her gum and opened a compact to check her bright red lips.

Skylar looked at me and rolled her eyes once more and tossed her head softly, signaling me to come.

She gathered up all of her stuff and walked over to her mother. She smiled fakely and we walked out of the room.

I glanced over at Skylar as we were walking down the hallway towards the elevators. Her arms were full of her belongings and she looked like she was struggling. 

I offered a hand to her. She shook her head.

We made it to the elevators and exited onto the first floor. The lady at the desk smiled at Skylar, remembering their encounter the day before.

Skylars mom was parked in the parking garage, like most other people were. We hopped into her freshly cleaned Tahoe and drove off towards the direction of her house.

The car ride was painfully quiet. Skylars house was way on the other side of town, the opposite direction of mine, and it took a good 40 minutes to drive there if traffic was nonexistent.

I stared out the window most of the time, occasionally glancing in Skylars direction. She had her headphones plugged into her phone and rested her head against the window. She played with her nails.

Finally the car slowed to a stop in front of a large house. Skylars house. The Cox residence.

We all tumbled out of her car and headed towards the front door. When I reached the perfectly varnished wood with gold accents I began to speak but Skylar wasn't behind me.

I took a few steps down the path leading to the front door and saw that Skyars mom was still in the car, on her phone but talking to Skylar out of her window.

I couldn't hear them, but the conversation seemed to be short because just after I had noticed she wasn't behind me, Skylar started walking towards me.

Her mom pulled out of the Lot and drove back down the way we came.

Skylar passed me with a key in her hand and her clothes in her arms. She attempted to open her front door but her arms were so full that she was struggling turning the key.

I stepped towards her and turned the key for her, earning a small smile in return.

We stepped into the freshly cleaned home of Skylar Cox.

Their was a faint lavender smell in the air and the carpet was as white as can be.

"You can go sit on the couch, I gotta toss this stuff in my room. Make yourself at home."

She headed down the hallway next to us and I walked into her living room.

I glanced into the kitchen and saw hundreds of vases full of flowers of every kind and a small card attached to each bouquet.

Skylar walked back into her living room and didn't even look twice at all the flowers taking over her kitchen.

She plopped onto the couch and sighed heavily.

"What now?" She asked.

"Where's your mom?"

Skylar rubbed her forehead. "She's going to talk to a lawyer for Zeke and then going on a business trip with dad." 

She sounded fed up, but I don't know why. I mean I understand her frustration towards her parents because she had just gotten home and both of them were gone and or leaving. But I would be ecstatic to have this house all to myself.

"I have a plan." I blurted out, wanting to get the bad part over with.

"A plan to do what?" Skylar sat up on her elbows and looked at me confusingly.

"We're going to get my body back."

It went silent. Skylar giggled at me before laying back down. "Venus you're dead you know that?"

I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips "no shit thanks for the memo."

She laughed "so who told you that it's even possible to bring you back?"

I puffed my chest out. "Myself. Listen Skylar, if I'm here in this world still, that means something. I don't know what yet. But this shit doesn't happen every day-"

"And how do you know that?" She cut me off.

"Because, I haven't seen anyone walking around with wings lately smartass. You would think that if there were more people like me then I could see them right?"

She shrugged and pushed herself up, walking into the kitchen. "You make a point"

I followed her. "Exactly. There's gotta be someone we can go to, someone in charge that I can talk to."

"And who would that be?" She asked, turning around with a juice in her hand. "Jesus?"

I rolled my eyes and dismissed her remark. "Someone Skylar. I know there's someone, when I was at Hunters I was-"

"Wait wait wait." She cut me off again. "You went to Hunters?"

I could hear the irritation in her voice. But I swallowed hard and nodded. 

"I fell on my knees and prayed dude. I didn't know who but someone made Hunter able to see me too."

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