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" Home isn't where your heart is, but where your heart wants to go." -Sabi.

You wake up one day, look around, take a close look in the mirror, maybe it's not your skin, try to feel the water on your face, maybe you cannot feel anymore; the only place you want to be is home, yet, isn't this home? Isn't this flesh shell your body? This brick box your house? This moving earth your planet?

You wake up one day and you want to make a change, blow some dynamite and just get out of whatever is holding you, you want to let all chains break loose and yet you can't seem to find the answer you need, the motivation you seek.

You wake up one day and you tell yourself that's it!, that is my day and no one will take it from me but as soon as you're awake, reality smash in and you can't do much but follow the steady flow of the river we call life.

And at every day end, you realize you want to go further, to step aside that comfort circle and reach for your dreams, but why do we want this change so bad? Why do we want to change when we're already home? We're steady, safe, secure, so why the change?

We crave for that change to the obsession point, or we forget it at all, we want it like oxygen or we forget about it like last night dinner, the truth is that change whispers to us at some point in life and we either go for it or fail to accomplish it, and at the end, we need it in our lives.

We crave for change, not because we're hard wired to do so but because we want to break free from that hard wired ness, we want to get rid of all that ordinary life style mode, we want to step forward, to at least try in order not to regret, but is wanting it enough for us? Is willing to make a change sufficient to actually make that change?

You wake up one day, and you look around, you find your plans laying around, your dreams all set and your life organized minute by minute, ask yourself, am I achieving the change? Is planning it and leaving it the so called change? Is starting it but keeping it at a start a change?

The answer is quite simple, No.  No, because change doesn't have an end, change is always improving, and in order to make the change, you need to level up with it, it's not about stepping forward, it's about constant moving, constant improvement, so there lays your dreams, your goals, your plans and your home.

You wake up one day, and you realize that your home is not the one you're currently living in, your life is not where you currently stand, it's way further than that and in order to go home, you must first step out of the deadly spinning circle we call routine, the second thing to do is to make that change, no matter where you stand, what you have, step forward and then keep moving, without a GPS, without a map, keep reaching for the light, no matter how dark it is around you.

Ask yourself everyday, are you Home yet?

A/N : hello dear reader, if u arrived till here, I thank you, for taking time and reading my writing, you can give a feed back on the comments or by a message, your thoughts are very welcome.

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