Character Information

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My friends have been bothering me for the past week for me to get started on this story!

Austin Voeg:

Birthday: September 14, 2002

Star sign: Virgo

August 23 - September 22

Analyzing, Practical, Reflective, Observation, Thoughtful

Appearance: Long-ish blue hair, Blue/gray eyes, and tall.

Likes: Sifi, Food, Anime, Swords, Nightcore

Dislikes: Injustices, Needless violence, Being unclean,

Personality: Isfj( The ISFJ personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though possessing the Feeling (F) trait, ISFJs have excellent analytical abilities; though Introverted (I), they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are a Judging (J) type, ISFJs are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the ISFJ personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are.), Kuudere (Seem cold and harsh at first)

(A/N: I had no idea what his personality was, so I looked it up and typed it in ^3^ )

Anime he (Yes, he's a male) wants inside this story: Bleach, SAO, Rurouni Kenshin

Favorite characters: Ichigo, Himora Kenshin, Kirito, Kisuke, Sanaske Sagara, Ausura, Byakua

Outfit: Collared jacket, tee-shirt and shorts, socks (Duh), and shoes (Gonna make them white and red sneakers)

Favorite color: White with red detail, or red with white detail.

Jaxon Kruse:

Birthday: July 31, 2000

Star sign: Leo

Element: Fire

Quality: Fixed

Color: Gold, Orange, White, Red

Day: Sunday

Ruler: Sun

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius

Best for Marriage and Partnerships: Aquarius

Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 10, 13, 19, 22

Date range: July 23 - August 22

Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous

Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible

Leo likes: Theater, taking holidays, being admired, expensive things, bright colors, fun with friends

Leo dislikes: Being ignored, facing difficult reality, not being treated like a king or queen

Appearance: Short dark red hair, dark red eyes, and average height (About the same height as Akashi in Kuroko no Basuke)

Likes: Sushi, Soda, T.V., Video games, more soda, and anime

My additions: Weaponry, driving motorcycles, and spy stuff (makes him cooler, y'know?)

Dislikes: Emos, weaboos, racists

Personality: Kind and strong (He's not outgoing, but he's not shy either)

Anime he wants in this story: Bleach, Akame ga Kill (Forgot to add this in the anime list, and just so you know, the order of the anime list is the order of anime we are going to be trapped in), Fairy Tail, and Naruto

Favorite characters: Ken Pachi (Bleach), Esdeath (Akame ga Kill), Natsu (Fairy Tail), and Naruto

Outfit: A black fedora with a red sash like thing, and mostly black clothing

Favorite color: Red (No way. I would never have guessed.)

Frostfire Silverheart (My OC! Don't hate, appreciate!):

Nickname: Fireworks/ Ru-ru

Birthday: August 21, xxxx

Star sign: Also a Leo! (Anybody else see that our birthday months go July, August, September?)

Appearance: Long fiery hair contrasting into a sun yellow at the ends. Her left eye is a turquoise/ ice blue, whilst her right eye is the same color as her hair. In the real world she has a phoenix above her left eye (Design changes due to the Anime) that she covers up with an eye patch. Only, Jackson, and Austin have seen her left eye. 5 ft and 1/8 in. (I'm so proud of that 1/8!!)

Likes: Anime, Anything related to anime or food, Video games, Writing and drawing (Fanfic or not), History, Candy, Stuffed animals, Martial Arts, Animals, music, etc.

Dislikes: Annoying people, Needless violence, Long speeches, Getting woken up from when she's sleeping, not getting what she wants, Super girly things (Dresses, make-up, high heels{High hells}, the color pink, etc.), Anything, and I mean ANYTHING, pressed up against her neck tightly. Kinda like when you go to get your hair cut and they put the cape-thingy around your neck to keep hair off of your body, and she hates that feeling.

Personality: Bubbly and outgoing, yet still able to tell the mood. If you have any problem (Whether it be family problem or a math problem) she's the person to go to.

Anime she wants in this story: The list is too long.

Favorite anime characters: Kuroko Tetsuya and Kagami Taiga (Kuroko no Basuke), Anyone in Hetalia, the list goes on.

Outfit: White dress shirt (Short sleeve) with a black vest. Black and white fedora, White sash in hair, Orange and white jacket around waist. White and orange sneakers. Wears either a Sword or music instrument case on back. Also always wears white, black, turquoise, and orange headphones.

Favorite color: White and Orange, maybe a bit of black.

I hope you guys enjoyed the characters (The main ones at least)!

Also, look at that picture! It's so true! *sobs*


Adjö! (Goodbye in Swedish)


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