The New Hosts and The New Hostess

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Hey guys! I want you guys to know that I am able to write stories at school 'cause Wattpad isn't blocked >:)

I also had this chappie written out in my journal called the, "Big Book Of Ideas!!"

I hope you guys enjoy this chappie, and the picture is of Jaxon in his "Host Clothing" when it's a non-cosplaying day. I couldn't find a good one of Austin T^T

Story Start!

~Still Jaxon's POV~

As soon as Tamaki noticed Fire, he spun around and enclosed her hand in his larger ones.

"I am terribly sorry Princess, but we are not open as of right now."

Bad idea bro.

Fire clamped her teeth together and sucked in breath making a reverse "Sh." sound. She slowly pulled her hand away, albeit awkwardly.

"Please don't ever call me Princess, Frenchie."

I shook my head in reaction to her response. 'Cold, Fire. Ice cold.'

He then proceeded to go into his emo corner to sulk and grow what appears to be mushrooms. Hey, you never know what he could really be growing in the corner.

"Hmm... Anyways," Fire continued, now addressing myself and Austin, "Sorry to leave you guys hangin'. I saw a puppy and I just had to follow it!"

She scratched the nape of her neck sheepishly as she explained why she ditched us. Meanwhile, Austin raised a brow in question.

"Is there anything else?" He inquired, not believing for one second that she didn't almost die at some point.

She thought for a moment before a light bulb appeared over hear fiery head. She pointed her pointer finger skyward and gave a closed eye smile (She still has her eye patch, remember?).

"Oh yeah! I almost got run over by a car as I was chasing the puppy!" She replied enthusiastically.

The silent Host Club paled, Austin face-palmed, and I threw my head back and groaned.

"Why am I not surprised," I muttered mostly to myself, although the Host Club seemed to hear my response.

"Not surprised?" The shota asked me. Hey, don't get all defensive! I haven't seen this anime before! Damn... *Sighs* Where's the duct tape?

"Yeah," I answered, pausing before speaking again, "In middle school, Fire would always face death. I remember that one time when she fell off the roof of the school building, screamed happily like she was on a roller coaster, and rolled on the ground to stop the impact of the fall. She couldn't, nor wouldn't, stop giggling for the rest of the day. I'm gonna be honest, it was slightly terrifying."

Austin nodded in agreement, then shrugged towards the Host Club, "I guess that's what a whole life of training allows her to accomplish."

As he said that, Fire slung her arms over our shoulders.

"Don't forget that one time when a polar bear came to our school! His name was Kumajiro (If you get this reference, I will forever love you, and dedicate the next chapter to you! I won't be offended if you don't get it though xD), and let me tell you. He was the best way to get to and from school!"

She removed her arm from Austin's shoulder and put her thumbs up whilst giving a closed eye smile. Some would call this her 'Signature pose.'

"P-polar B-bear...?" Tamaki asked, clearly frightened by Fire's adventures.

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