Silverheart Twins

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I had this amazing idea (And 'amazing' most likely means whatever I thought was going to be cool, but in actuality sucks), and I decided that I was going to go for it. Enjoy! 

~Fire's POV~

I stretched my arms out, and laid them back down. Once my hand reached the ground, I grew confused. I had just fallen asleep, and now I'm touching grass?

"Fire." A very familiar voice called out to me. I looked to the side and saw my bro-bro, Ace.

"Wassup homie?" I asked him, a smile gracing my features.

He glanced behind me for a moment, before returning his gaze to my own. He brought a hand to his hair, and ran his fingers through his black as night hair.

He sighed before responding, "I'd like you to meet someone."

He gestured to the direction behind me. I turned around and was greeted with the sight of a girl. She had long chocolate brown hair, and a some-what tan some-what pale complexion. She was lying on the grass peacefully, her chest rising and falling with every breath. I turned back to my brother.

"Who's she?" I finally asked after many moments of analyzing the girl. I supposed she was around her teenage years.

"She's what you would call, 'Author-chan.' Meaning, she created you, me, and the lives we live."

I stood, frozen in shock. My life was created by someone else...? Does that make her my guardian? Why is she here then?!

"..." I couldn't speak for the longest time.

"Can you... Tell me about her?"

He smiled lightly, then walked over to 'Author-chan.' He shook the young girl awake.

"Ugh... Five more minutes... It's still summer(I wish ;~;)... I don't wanna go to school... Huh?" The girl opened her eyes to reveal chocolate brown orbs, shining with confusion. She stared at us for a bit. Her eyes suddenly widened in realization. The girl looked as if she was having trouble speaking.

"Y-you're my... But, how am I-?" Author-chan cut herself off, "You're... real?"

I smiled at the brunette. She was adorable.

"Yeah. I'm a little surprised too, seeing as the person who gave me life is right in front of me." I told her.

It was silent for a few moments in the field that I had become quite familiar with.

"What's your name?"

Ace shattered the silence by talking to the girl for the first time. Her eyes were still wide with disbelief and shock reflecting the chocolate orbs. She took a deep breath before answering Ace's question.

"It's Lilly."

Lilly gave us a small smile, which I happily returned. Ace then sighed as he looked at Lilly and I.

"I believe that our time is up. If you wish, you can come here every night and talk to us. I'm sure Fire's very curious about you, Lilly-sama."

She flushed when he called her '-sama.' When did Ace get so formal?

She laughed nervously and put an arm over her belly to grab onto her other arm, "Please, just call me Lilly."

And with that, I sat up in my bed, wondering what had just happened.

Alright guys, sorry for a short chapter. Like, really short.

 Lol jk. Continue reading below xD 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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