Game Maker? This Makes No Sense...

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So this is just an explanation before this part of the story begins: So the character above is Ace Silverheart, but once Fire gets to know him, she calls him Cloves. He will show up multiple times in this story, but at first, Fire is only able to communicate with him through dreams. This chapter will be their first meeting, and it takes place when she is unconscious after the dimension-traveling. And yes, he is like Fire's 2p (If you watch Hetalia or read the fanfics you know what this means, and he also is not a psycho killer), or more like her alter-ego, or you could even call him her twin. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

~Fire's POV~

Woah... This is so cool! I am currently standing up in a very beautiful place. It was a golden meadow filled with wildflowers of every color and it was surrounded by a forest of ice, at least that's what the color of the leaves made it out to be. The sky was an orange hue, as it was sunset, and there was a giant Sakura tree, the pink petals dancing in the wind. There was also a turquoise blue lake by the Sakura tree, and I could make out a shadowy figure lying in the golden grass by the lake.

I walked up to the figure, long grass swaying around my feet as I walked. It was then that I noticed that I was wearing a dress. It was white and flowing, with an orange ribbon tied around the area underneath my chest. My hair was down from its' usual ponytail, so my wavy fiery locks flowed off my shoulders and cascaded down my back. I also realized that my eye patch was nowhere to be found. I continued making my way over to the figure lying in the grass.

"Excuse me?" I asked when I got close enough.

The figure turned around, and I saw his strikingly colored right eye, a turquoise blue. His left eye was an emerald green. He had black hair and I noticed some dog tags hanging loosely from a chain around his neck. He stood up and walked towards me until we were only a few feet apart. 

"I assume... I should explain." His voice wasn't deep, but it wasn't high pitched either. He was taller than me, and I didn't like that! T^T

"Explain? Explain what exactly?" I questioned, my fire and ice gaze trailing to his face. 

"... My name is Ace. Ace Silverheart." My eyes widened in realization. It was... him... My memories...,"I was awakened and reborn by that artifact," He said pointing to my watch, the one that I found as I was walking to school. It suddenly changed into a bracelet.

"That can control time and space. It enables you to travel dimensions, and of course, control time. It will send you to one dimension, and until you complete your mission in that dimension, you will be stuck there. Whether the mission entails finishing the storyline of a book, or something completely different, you have to find out.

"I will be able to give you hints from time to time, but only when you truly need me, or when I can be there. I might not be in... this form. I assume that you know of your own power?" 

I could only shake my head 'no' as a response to his question. To be honest, I am utterly bewildered as to how he is here and talking to me.

"*Sigh* This'll be harder than I thought... 

"You are the Game Maker, Fire. Whatever you say goes, unless it is too much for the artifact to give. You mustn't get too greedy, or else it would result in chaos. You have all of the power, and you must use it for good, and not evil. Your friends will also receive an artifact that suits them, so you all know where the other is, and it will act as a shield. I will try to find you in the next dimension you travel to, but for now, you have to do it without me. This is a test. And remember,"

He started. He was fading away and my eyes widened as I realized that I was fading away too. His piercing gaze met my own intense stare.

"... I love you, little sis."

"CLOVES!" I shouted reaching out to him, only to realized that I was too late. As my body succumbed to the darkness, I had one last thought on my mind,

'I'm not who I thought I was. My memories have returned.'

So, how was it? Did you guys like Ace? He will be in the story later on, and hint, hint, he won't necessarily be human!

I hope you guys enjoyed this part but for now,


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