Just Another Day at School, Or Not

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(A/N) This is a quick little disclaimer. Any anime that I use, or any songs that I might put in this story, DO NOT BELONG TO ME. 

Although I definitely wished that I owned Fairy Tail, or Kuroko no Basuke, or Hetalia ^^'

Also, the video above is called, "I Don't Care" by Fall Out Boy. The characters in the pic for the song is the Bad Touch Trio from Hetalia. It is night core if you were wondering. And the pic (the one with the orange hair) is basically my OC, but without the cat-like features, more boyish clothing, yellow highlights, and without the bow.

Now, let us begin the story!!!!




          Head phone cord swinging, shoes stomping against the pavement, and backpack thumping against my back, I ran to school. 

          You see, I may or may not have woken up late after watching, and finishing, 10 episodes of Fairy Tail. What! Don't look at me like that! I am a anime geek, and I am proud! And-


          A voice called me out of my thought train, and I turned to see my best friends, Austin and Jaxon.

"You're late too?" Austin asked me, his blue hair swaying slightly as he tilted his head to the side. 

"No shit Sherlock

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"No shit Sherlock." I replied, shaking my head in fake disbelief. 

          We all burst into a fit of laughter, me falling on the pavement in the process.  I slowly stood up and brushed the invisible dust off of my clothes. 

          It was then that we all walked to school, laughing and joking around like 'normal' school kids. Ugh. Society.



I kid, I kid.

"So Fire, what's your reason for being late?" Jaxon asked, his red eyes looking at me sharply and with great intensity. 

          I gave him the, are-you-freaking-kidding-me, look

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          I gave him the, are-you-freaking-kidding-me, look.

"I wonder... Hmm..." I said sarcastically, eyeing both of them from the corners of my vision.

          He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Sorry. I just wanted to ask." He added with a pout.

          I laughed, but stopped as I tripped over something. Holding it up, I noticed that it was a small-ish black container. 

"Hey Tin-tin (Austin's nickname), Jax (Jaxon's nickname). Look what I found." I said, holding the box up.

          They turned around and I opened the box as they walked next to me. Looking inside, I saw that it was some kind of watch thingy.

"Hey, do you think I can keep this? It doesn't look like it belongs to anyone..."

          They both shrugged in unison, making me laugh again. I slipped on the watch but quickly got a bad feeling. I looked down and saw my legs glowing white, and it was traveling up my body! In panic, I looked over at my friends to see that they were not much better off than I was.

"G-guys?! What's going on?!" Jaxon yelled as he disappeared. 

"JAXON!" Austin and I shouted in unison before we also disappeared. 

~To a time when they wake up, Austin's POV~

"Ugh, my head..." Jaxon's voice awoke me from my slumber.  

          I slowly turned my head with my blue hair falling in front of my eyes. My eyes widened as I took in Jaxon's appearance. He looked like an anime character!

          Jaxon obviously had the same reaction as me, for he jumped up and pointed at me. 


"You look like an anime character too." I deadpanned. 

          Whilst Jaxon freaked out, I took in our surroundings. This was definitely not our school. It was then that I noticed, Fire was not with us. 

"Jaxon," I said to stop his ranting, "Firework isn't here. We need to go find her."

          He paused and nodded, and headed forwards in a random direction. I followed so that we wouldn't lose each other. 

~Timeskip to night time!~

          Oh. My. God. How long does it take to find someone in a animated dimension?! I was taken out of my thoughts when Jaxon spoke to me.

"Hey... What's that?" 

          I looked in the same direction as him and noticed a patch of fiery color in a tree. My eyes widened, and I quickly ran towards it, although I tripped quite a bit in my hurry.


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