Waterparks and Proposals. Doing it in Style pt. 2

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I'm baaaaccckk! So, here's the next chapter where I make a reference to something that happened in the seventh grade. Jaxon got embarrassed, and I thought that it'd be a great idea to write it down. Without further ado, roll the tape! I mean, read the story :P

~Fire's POV~


As I said before in the last chapter, I went full on ninja mode. I was slicing and dicing these goddamn officers like a fruit ninja. Fun game by the way (#NotSponsered). 

I proceeded to kick an officer in the face when he had creeped up behind me. I laughed heartily and put my hands on my hip when I kicked him. 

"BOOM! Headshot!" 

I laughed more, and heard the voice of Haruhi questioning my sanity. I mean, come on! That's just plain rude! *insert pouty face because a certain author is too lazy to insert one in the story*

Finally stopping my laughing fit, I noticed that all the officers had been taken down by Honey (And I didn't do much. I took down, like, twelve officers? Twelve whole officers submitted to my stupidity).


And out of nowhere came Tamaki. He legit looks like he's flying the way he's going to her. Poor girl, forever stuck with the idiot. 

"FIRE!" Jaxon and Austin came running out from behind the bushes and hugged me tightly. I happily hugged the both of them back. 

"Hi guys!" It was then that I noticed that the host club was staring at me with wide eyes. I tilted my head to the side. 

"What? Is there something on my face?" Jaxon and Austin looked as well, and then their eyes widened. They pointed to their eyes. I was confused for but a second, and quickly covered my now uncovered eye. The current must have washed away my eye patch! 

"Damn water! I'll never understand why Haru loves it so much." I mumbled obscenities until I finally just uncovered my eyes. 

I glanced at the Host Club, and back down to the ground.

"You've already seen it. Nothing to hide now..." I said gruffly. 

"Pretty..." I heard Mori mumble. I widened my eyes at the compliment, never having received one from, well, anybody. About my eyes, that is. 

I stuttered out a 'thanks' to the silent host, still rather flustered about the compliment.

"Yeah," The twins said, walking up to me, "Your eyes are really pretty. Why do you hide them?"

"Guys, that's insensitive," Haruhi said, saving me from answering, "Fire must've had a reason to cover up her eyes. Respect that reason, will you?"

"Thanks, Hiru-chan." I bowed in appreciation to Haruhi.

"N-no need to bow! I just said what I thought was right!" 

Stopping the girl from stuttering too much, I ran up and gave her a big ol' hug! HUGGLES. 

I laughed and released her. 

"So," I began, looking at the club, "Where are we going next?"


As it turns out, we are going to the beach. It's a shame that the girls are going to be there too. I wanted to have fun with Hiru-chan! Curse you Kyoya!

Anyways, I had overheard the hosts betting to find out Haru's and my own weaknesses. Good luck, mofos. 

Kaoru and Hikaru took us to a cave that was covered when it was high tide. I was in awe at how pretty it was. Suddenly, something grabbed my shoulder, and I judo flipped whatever it was. Oh, I guess I can't have judo flipped it if it was just a fake skeleton hand. Hah, that's funny. They think I'm  afraid of ghosts. xD

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