Water Parks and Proposals. Doing It in Style Pt. 1

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Hey guys! This is just a quick little author's note before the story starts. This chapter revolves around "Jungle Pool S.O.S." I wanted to quickly get the next chapter started for all of you lovely Readers (And Jaxon because this is his embarrassment chapter). Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
~Another tiny note~ Today's my birthday, so here's an update!~
~Fire's POV~

Beep. Beep. Beep. Be-

"Shut the FrUk up..." I muttered, accidentally breaking the alarm clock that had so rudely woken me up. I glared at the broken pieces of glass and plastic, mentally burning them in the fiery pits of hell. That, my friends, is how much I hate mornings.

I slowly trudged out of bed and got dressed in my usual attire for training; black soccer shorts, a white tank-top that says "Running and I don't get along. Me and Pizza? That's another story ," (A/N: I WANT THIS SHIRT. SOMEBODY MAKE THIS FOR ME PLZ.) and gray + orange sneakers. Oh yeah! I can't forget my phone and headphones so I can listen to music.

I rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes and walked out of my room. You know what? Screw it. I'm not gonna go train today. I'll do it later (A/N: me when I'm on a diet). So, I ended up going back to sleep instead of training, which I'll do after school.

"Firework!" Jaxon called out after I got a couple more hours of sleep, "School's going to start soon!"

"Coming!" I yelled back tiredly, brushing my teeth and my hair, pulling my hair up into its' usual pony tail. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to see Austin and Jaxon standing at the doorway, all dressed and ready to go. I raised a brow as to why they were up and ready so quickly.

"We're gonna head over to Starbucks for breakfast." Austin replied, as if reading my mind. Holy shit! Can he read minds???

"No. You just said your thoughts out loud, idiot." Austin told me. *Sassily and snaps fingers in a 'z' formation* Oh no he didn't!

"Jerk," I retorted as I met them at the door. Jaxon chuckled, opened the door, and soon we were on our way to Starbucks. We all ordered breakfast sandwiches, whilst we each got our desired drinks, mine being a Vanilla Bean Cream Frappacino with extra whipped cream (Lilly: This is literally the only drink that I like at Starbucks).

I was happily drinking and making my way to the school gates, which I spotted in the distance. I ran the rest of the way to the gates as Jaxon and Austin followed behind.

"Hiru-chan!" I yelled out, grabbing Haruhi's attention.

"Oh hi Fire-chan." She replied, giving me a close eyed smile.

But, before we could talk more, we were both grabbed and picked up.

"Targets captured~!"

Then, a limo pulled up, and the window rolled down to reveal Tamaki. He said something or other about taking us somewhere, but I was too busy struggling to notice. I also didn't notice Austin and Jaxon climb into the limo with Tamaki.

Whomever was holding me and Haruhi started to move towards a limo.

"Rape! Rape! Rape!" I yelled out, still struggling. How the hell is Haruhi so calm?!Whoever was holding me seemed to have trouble keeping me in place.

"Relax Fire! It's me, Kaoru!" I relaxed as I heard the voice of the younger twin, and turned around to confirm that it was Kaoru.

I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment and guilt, although that was kind of hard due to me being held in place by the twin, but I work miracles people!

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