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Did I make it obvious what anime we are starting with? xD I do NOT own OHSHC, but I wish I did :3

I also do not own any pictures I post, and if I do, I will tell you guys. For now,

Story start!

"Tin-tin! Jax! I'm hungry! I want ice-cream!" I whined to my two friends that we dragging me around. I bet you're wondering where all my energy has gone. So you see, I have a bit of energy after I sleep, but then I need food or else I don't redeem all of that energy. 

So that brings us to our current situation: Me on Austin's back, and Jax looking for a food place. I kind of want gelato and maybe some orange- OOH. IS THAT A ANIME STORE/ ICE-CREAM AND CANDY STORE I SPY?!

"Tin-tin!" I yelled, pointing in the direction of the store, "Onwards thy noble horse! Thy must ride though way towards the ice-cream slash anime shoope! Forward march brave soldiers!" 

Austin stiffled a laugh and kept his cold demeanor, whilst Jaxon chuckled a bit, looking equally excited about the ani-ice-cream store (I made it up just now, so deal with it).

"Haruhi~!" A voice whines somewhere near us.

"Can't we shop with you~?" Another one asked. Poor soul.

"You already are, and if you weren't, you'd follow me anyways." A calm, yet somehow irritated, voice responded.

I turned my head ('cause I was still on Austin), and saw a HUGE group of hot guys coming our way. There's something vaguely familiar about them...

*Anime list loading. Mind processing.*




*Process complete*

A light bulb went off above my head as I realized that we have gone into the anime dimension of Ouran High School Host Club. I thought a bit more then realized that a light bulb went off above my head! That's so freaking cool!

"Jax, Tin-tin." I whispered, gaining the attention span of my two friends, "I know what anime we're in. We're in O.H.S.H.C." 

Their eyes widened and they turned around to see if I was telling the truth. Of course I was!

"Oh.My.Fucking.God." Jaxon said. I wonder if his eyes can get any wider, 'cause he looks soooo funny! And wait... Did he just cuss?!

I sighed. Right now I could care less about meeting anime characters, because I just want my ICE-CREAM. FOR GOD SAKES.

"Austin!" I whined again slowly loosing energy and showing seriousness by saying his full name, "I'm hungry..." 

His eyes widened again and he raced towards the store, leaving a momentarily shocked Jaxon to follow behind us, shouting, "I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS! FRIENDS DON'T LEAVE OTHER FRIENDS BEHIND!" Heh.


By the time we had left, I had gotten multiple video games, lots of candy, some anime stuff, and stuff I have never seen before. I'm weird, I know. Don't hate, appreciate! T^T

Jaxon and Austin looked out of breath, and Austin looked up at me saying, "Are you satisfied? You better be 'cause I'm not going shopping again."

Chuckling, I sat down on a nearby bench, "Yeah, yeah. *Yawn*" 

"Hey," Jaxon stated, talking for the first time in a while, "Where are we gonna sleep?"

It was silent as we realized we had nowhere to go. That's when I remembered something that might be able to help us.

So how was that chappie guys? I hope that I done good >.<

Anyways, I'm probably going to update soon,  'cause I have an idea for the thing that would be able to help them.

For now,


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