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Hello my friends! I am sooooooooo sorry that I have not been updating recently. School started a few weeks ago and I'm already getting headaches -.-
Anyways, I was tagged by Shadow1412
To tell you guys 15 things about myself. I'll tell you who I tagged at the bottom ;)
Also, help the trend plz

1.) I am in the eighth grade

2.) The first anime I watched was Fruits Basket

3.) My favorite color is white (Don't tell me it's not a color!)

4.) I am the middle child with two older brothers and two younger brothers

5.) I tend to randomly talk about food no matter the situation

6.) The anime I am currently watching is called Escaflowne

7.) My favorite subjects in school are History, English, and Music

8.) I have never slapped or punched a person or thing

9.) I have never broken a bone

10.) I constantly make horrible puns to ruin a mood

11.) I can read a mood, but choose to ignore it

12.) I have made many regrettable choices in life, including watching a bit of Baku no Pico ;~;

13.) My favorite anime character is Kuroko Tetsuya or Akashi Seijuro

14.) My favorite comfort food is Pocky

15.) When in a moving vehicle, I put on my earbuds and ignore everything else around me (Which makes me very boring to sit next to on field trips)

Okay, now for the people I tag:

TSUSpitball (Best guy friend)
TwiHard_11 (Best female friend)
Jennifer5082 (Amazing conversation thread. It was great guys)
GenderFluidFabulous (Best friend in the Girl Scout category)
-_-Sasuke_Uchiha-_-  (Thanks for being the very first person to comment and vote on my
story by the way!!)
zoeflute (My first author on Wattpad :3)

These are all of the people that I can think of right now, and I'm sorry if I didn't mention you! If I ever get tagged again, I will make sure to look at all of my loyal followers :3
Look out for he next chapter,

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