If People Dont Bother Me I Dont Bother Them

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                                                                             CHAPTER 2

Walking home as i listened to old songs of My Chemical Romance, My favorite band. When i reached home it was unusually quiet. I peeked my head around a corner of the dining room Opening "Mom.....Dad?" I set my raggedy bag on one of the polished chairs tip toeing quietly til i got to the stairs. All of a sudden a loud heavy glass object hit my head "FUCK!" I screamed as i fell to the ground.Standing over me was my mom "YOU LITTLE FAGGOT LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO" I crawled into a ball groaning. My "mother" was standing over me panting. My head was bleeding all over the hard wood floor "look at this mess" i got a hard slap to my cheek "get up and clean this up....your father will be here soon"

I had my eyes closed shut as i heard my moms heel footsteps getting farther and farther.All i heard after that was the song by my chemical romance playing on my earphones "So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough. So give them blood,blood, grab a glass because there's going to be a flood" I Fell into deep unconsciousness My Chemical Romances song lulling me to sleep.

Thirty Minutes later  I woke up. Everything in the house was still quiet so i took this as a chance to clean up the blood and glass from the floor. It was kind of Difficult because there was a big chunk of glass in my head I had to clean up every drop that fell "get every drop get every drop"   once i was done i took my raggedy book bag and turned off my broken up cracked phone and walked upstairs to the bathroom. I stared in the mirror at my bloodied up hair, Bags were under my eyes my eyes were full of misery . I stopped staring at the mirror and searched around my head for the big piece of glass. Once i found it i took a big breath "just rip it out...." i whispered "like a band aid" I took part of the glass and quickly ripped it out. I screamed out in pain as i fell on the floor my head pounding as i pressed my hand against the wound gushing with blood. I took a deep breath and stood up. I turned on the shower to cold as i stepped in the tub letting my thoughts consume me.

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