Chapter 1: Girls Night Out

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Up top you can hear Flashlight by Jessie J. 

I was going to start to sing when I open my eyes and I see thousands of eyes waiting and expecting for me to do something, then I froze, I couldn't move, and neither did a word come from my mouth. They just stood there screaming my name RUBY! RUBY! RUBY!

"RUBY! Wake up... We're going to be late" I heard my friend April almost screaming in my ear. April was such a beauty, she is 5'3 feet tall, brunette with greenish grayish eyes, which would mesmerize you if you looked straight into them.

"Ughh late for what? Who let you in? Can't you see that I was sleeping?" I don't even know why I bother asking since they always come and go as they please to my house, perks of being best friend since middle school.

"Come on Ru, Brenna is already waiting for us in the car; did you forget our girls night out?" Brenna is my other best friend, she is the opposite of April. You see Brenna could probably be a Victoria Secret model if she wanted to, she is 5'10 feet tall, blonde with blue eyes and so skinny I sometimes envy her. We were the light colored eyes trio. Me having green eyes and all. Guys would always be after us.

"Oh, crap... I totally forgot that!" I answered totally spacing out about our plans today.

Every Friday night Brenna, April and I have this tradition of going and doing something fun like going bowling, a movie, we even sometimes go rock climbing or go to some paintball match but most of the times they would drag me to a party where I don't want to be in. This day in particular we planned to go to this new club that opened like a week ago and everyone was saying how amazing it was and how 'dope' everything is in there. The word 'Dope' makes me feel like Homer Simpson.

"How could you forget our tradition? I feel like I'm going to cry." She raised her hands to her face acting like she was about to cry. My friend was such a dramatic, righteously so seeing how she wanted to be an actress and all. So she never backed down on an opportunity to take her role as a drama queen.

"Don't be such a drama queen I was just so tired that I fell sleep." I said rubbing at my eyes.

These days haven't been easy in home or at school. I was so frustrated with everything that the only thing that I did was get lost in a book or write songs, which are the only things that can calm me. I could be such a loner sometimes, but I mean its better to be alone then with bad company am I right?

"Okay I forgive you, now move your butt and get moving, you have 10 minutes to get ready I'll be waiting in the car with Brenna." she said leaving my room.

Thank God I was dressed I just needed a little make up and some shoes to put on and I was ready to go. 20 minutes or so later we arrived at this new club everyone kept talking about. The three of us entered easily since the body guard was a man who clearly was a pervert and well my two companions were sexual goddesses so you do the math. We sat down in a little table almost in front of the stage and we began to hear how people singed to random songs in the karaoke. We were having so much fun until I heard the host saying my name.

"Give it up for Ms. Ruby Pierce!!..."

I froze, how did my name end up there? Is this a joke?

"Brenna Johnson did you put my name in that list?" I asked with panic in my voice looking around scared.

"Maybe..." She said with a mischievous look on her face. They know how I don't like singing in front of big crowds. But here she went and put my name on that damn list.

"Ms. Ruby Pierce! Are you still here?" the host asked once again looking through the crowd.

"Oh come on Ru it's just for fun, besides you know you can sing well" She said, then later raised her hand and started waving at the host so that he could see that I was still here.

I felt the pressure of everyone waiting for me to go up so I stood up slowly.

"You got this Ru" April said with a sweet and encouraging sound. Fucking friends you guys are, making me do this.

When I got up there I almost fell in one of the stairs, 'way to go Ruby' I said to myself. The host helped me get up then gave me the microphone with an understanding look. I could see he pitty me so much.

"Woooh!! RUBY! We love you! "I heard Brenna and April screaming though I couldn't even see them. Well I certainly don't love them in this particular moment. I still waved at them awkwardly tho. Sigh, here we go.

Music started, Jessie J- flashlight was in the background, good I love this song. I started to sing then suddenly I couldn't remember anything and I couldn't quite see the words on the screen all I could see was how the people were laughing and pointing at me. I felt like I was going to die in that exact moment. I couldn't handle it so I started running outside where I couldn't hear or see anyone. I made such a fool of myself, this was not the night I had in mind with my best friends. I was about to start crying when I felt someone touching my back, then I heard the sweetest voice, it was almost angelic who also had an accent. British? Irish?

"Are you okay love? You were really good up there, don't mind those assholes I bet they can't even sing." He said with an apologetic look on his face. God his face, how can someone be so gorgeous? He was like a porcelain doll yet he had this macho persona on him.

"By the way my name is Abriel" He said giving me his hand to shake. I took it and kept holding it looking straight into his baby blue eyes.

"Ruby" I said embarrassment evident all over my face. I guess the universe wasn't against me after all. 

A/N: First story I ever write, so please be gentle with me, Also comment and vote.. feedback is very much appreciated. 

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