Chapter 2: That kind of vibe

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In the photo up top is Abriel.

I was laying under a tree with a book in my face and my eyes closed just trying to relax in my favorite little spot on campus, when I heard a buzz in my pocket, it was Brenna calling.

"Hello there stranger" she said with a mocking voice. She has been like this since last Friday night when she saw me talking to Abriel outside the club and heard him saying 'goodbye stranger, hope I get too see you again'. Which is why she is calling me stranger now.

"Hey Bree, what's up?" I haven't talked much about what happened that night with April and her since the only good thing that happened was meeting that Irish angel. They tried to bring it up a couple of times but I would just ignore them.

"Not much, sitting in the classroom waiting for professor hottie to show up." She had the biggest crush on the new substitute for literature class. She didn't even like that class she only went to it to see him twice a week. What am I saying? she didn't even like going here she only agreed to attend to the university because her parents told her that if she did it they would pay her a trip to Milan. Milan guys, this girl was really something.

"You do remember that he's your teacher right?" I was the one who always had to bring her back to the ground from her fairytales. I guess you could say that I was the only one who had my head screwed on right. Well I mean at least the most that had it screwed on right, out of the three of us that is.

"You're such a party pooper sometimes, did you know that?" she said with sarcasm in her voice, scoffing.

"Yeah I know, that's why you love me" I teased her but in the end she knew I was right. I was the one who would always talk some sense into her and made her realize the errors of her ways.

"Maybe... Anyways professor hottie is here I got to go, talk to you later." She didn't even let me say goodbye as she hanged up on me.

She already woke me up from my little relaxation time so I was just sitting down and appreciating the view for an instant, god it was such a beautiful campus, I loved it here, it was so peaceful and quite at this hour of the day. I was about to continue reading when I felt as if someone was watching me from behind. When I was about to look I heard his angelic and sexy voice at the same time.

"Hey love, fancy meeting you here." he said hiding his body behind the tree. Oh my god he was so cute... but at the same time how and why is he here? Creeper alert!

"What are you doing here?" I asked him surprised. Is he following me or something? "Are you following me?" I asked a little creeped out.

He laughed; damn that smile can make anyone melt. "Well you can say that. I saw you come here and I wanted to see if I was hallucinating or not." He sounded so confident and at the same time a little ashamed of what he just admitted.

"You study here?" My voice came out a little more surprised than expected.

He smiled "I'm a sophomore here love, you must be new here or I would've known you already, a face like that is not easy to forget." he said in a flirty voice? Was I imagining things? I blushed.

"Yeah I made a transfer this semester" I hope he doesn't notice that I can barely talk.

"Transfer huh, that's cool, mind if ask why?" he asked with somewhat interest.

"Well I heard that the Communications Department here is the best, besides my two best friends are here so I decided that maybe it was a good idea." I responded with honesty since he looked really interested.

"So you like Communications? Huh, I didn't imagine you studying that." What he said took me by surprise. This was the first time that someone besides my best friends said that, but they knew that all I really wanted was to be heard, and inspire people with my music, but him saying that to me? He barely knows me, its weird.

"Really, then what did you imagine?" I asked looking at him raising an eyebrow.

"Well I imagined you were here to study music since you're really good at it." Was this boy real? How could he know that just by talking to me for like 15 minutes between that night and now. Was he psychic or something like that?

"Funny you say that because I can barely stand in front of big crowds in case you didn't notice." I said looking at my feet. Just remembering that night makes me want to cry, it was so embarrassing. I feel like hiding with Patrick from Spongebob under a rock.

"That can happen even to famous singers, so don't be so hard with yourself, I have to be honest here.. something that will never go away are the nerves you have minutes before going on stage but I can promise you that it will eventually go away, on stage that is when you see all the people cheering for you and screaming your name." he was good with words of encouragement I give him that.

"You sound like you have experience." I said almost asking.

"Actually yeah... I have this band with my best friends but it's nothing from another world, were just starting and having a good time." He sings? Okay can he be more perfect?

"You have a band? Well I don't doubt it since you have that kind of vibe." What the hell did I just say? I face palmed internally.

He laughed "If you think I have the 'vibe' you should see my best friend Paul he thinks he's a rock star already." he said laughing to himself.

I laughed "Maybe one day I'll have the pleasure of asking him for an autograph." He was really easy to talk to, it made me feel calm and normal.

He cracked up laughing at that "Yeah maybe you will, actually I was about to ask you wanted to come to our next presentation? It's tonight, nothing big were going to perform in a little café a few blocks away from here. You can come with your friends if you want to." he asked a little nervous, it was cute how he looked to the ground while he talked.

"Yeah, I would like that." I said happily.

He raised his head and looked at me with a big smile. "Really? That's awesome, well... I guess I'll see you there tonight then." Was he asking me out? This isn't happening. I must be dreaming.

"See you tonight." I said with my cheeks all red from blushing so much.

"Oh almost forgot it's at 8pm."

"8pm got it." He smiled then said goodbye awkwardly. It was settled, I definitely like him.  

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