Chapter 39- Siphon

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Cindy and I stood in a small room with a square window facing to the east. I was still reeling from everything I had just heard, unable to fully process this. My stomach is flipping in nervous bursts in anticipation for Tina.

"I wonder what she is like?" Cindy asked excitedly from her position on a metal chair in the middle of the room. I didn't answer or comment as I truly had no idea if she was anything like my mum I knew she would help me. I didn't have to wait long to find out as turned towards the opening door and saw as a middle ages brown haired women walking in, her gaze landing on me. I suddenly was left speechless, unable to figure out what to say, how to begin a conversation with my dead mother's sister who I didn't even know existed.

"You look just like her," Tina said closing the door behind her.

"Thank you," I whispered, unable to contemplate what else to say. I watched as she walked across the room calmly and took a seat across of Cindy at the small table. My legs shook as I joined them at the table, glad that the support of the chair stopped my legs from collapsing underneath me.

"What is it you wanted to discuss?" She asked, sternly at me blankly from across the table. My mouth suddenly went dry, depressed by any questions that I may have had for Tina.

" I- I- I" I stuttering unable to form a clear word. Tina looked at me strangely as if she thought I was stupid or something. Thankfully Cindy stepped in and answered the question as I still was unable to speak.

"We are here to speak to you about a cure from the magically inflicted darkness within a person," Cindy explained calmly.

"What do you mean magically inflicted?" Tina asked directly to me.

"I was turned into a witch against my will." I finally said, finding my ability to talk. Tina's eye browns rose slowly in shock as she looked at me in a new light.

"Against your will?"Tina said surprised. "That's impossible."

"Obviously not," I replied gesturing towards myself.

"No that's not what I meant. It is impossible to turn you into a witch because you were already one. Or at least, you should have been." Tina explained as she stood up and started pacing the room rubbing her forehead stressfully.

"What?" I said taken back by her statement. "How is the possible?"

"Because your mother was a witch, meaning you would have inherited her power just like your brother would of," Tina stated.

"How is it possible that I haven't noticed I was a witch for the last 17 years," I asked confused. "How is it that my brother isn't off using his powers to be evil?"

"Oh course!" Tina cried tapping her head in frustration. "How could she be so stupid?!"

"What? What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"Your mother after meeting your father and didn't want anyone from their past lives finding them so they moved away and rejoined society here in this little town where they thought they would be safe," Tina explained. "And in doing so, they gave up everything including their powers and your fathers werewolf side. Though when they had you and your brother they must have been worried that you would accidently expose what they were before you were old enough to control your powers." Tina theorised.

"What does that even mean?" I said exasperated with information overload.

"You're mother must of bound your abilities. You and your brother would have never had a chance to expose if you didn't ever have an opportunity to use your powers. So in an attempt to protect you, Henry and Max, your father, she bound your abilities."

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