Chapter 12

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Jodie's POV

2 weeks have passed, I go to school and to my locker, but for the 10th day, I'm dissapointed not to see Harry standing beside my locker when I close it like he usually is. "Did you guys see his audition? It was so good!" I hear somebody say a few lockers down. "Yeah I had no idea he could sing so good."

"I know right, and he's changed, alot. He's suuper hot now" I raise my eyebrows at them. They must be talking about Harry, the first auditions episode was last night. "Yeah! When he comes back, let's ask him to be friends with us"

"Yeah. When he becomes rich and famous then we can say we knew him and he can date me" Um who do these girls think they are? They just want to be friends with him now because he's got something going for him that can make him rich and famous.  "Um no, he's going to date me not you" the other girl says

"Well he's going to marry me so I don't care what you all think"
I have to cover my mouth to try not to smile. He just made it through one stage of a show, it's not like he's famous or rich or anything right now. They are definately overreacting about this and just want to use him for his gained pooularity in the school. I can hear other people talking about it in the halls, not much ever happens around here in this small town so this is pretty big news. "Atleast he has no friends, we can be his first friends and then he will love us for being nice to him" Excuse me I am his friend, and that's so shallow, just cause he's got a talent they want to be friends with him? That's so rude and I can't even listen to this anymore.

From: Harry

Hey:) I have my last performance now before I find out if im going to Boot Camp or not. Wish you were here

Aw, he's so cute

To: Harry

Wish I was there too :'(( Good Luck, you're gonna kill it!

From: Harry

Thanks, I'll talk to you in a bit I have to go on now :s

I laugh a little at the nervous emoji he put at the end

To: Harry

Okay, just do you and don't let anybody tell you you're not good enough because you're amazing

From: Harry

:) thanks, talk to you soon

I kind of feel nervous to be honest, for him. This is it, make it or break it. If he makes it, he gets to go to the middle stage, even though the last one is more of like 10 stages but he's made it so far already and i'm so happy for him. At first I thought I was forcing him into this and I felt bad, but now I can see that he wants to do this, he's ready.

It's the end of the day now, i'm just on my way home from school when I get a call. I jump a little and look at the screen hoping it's Harry to tell me how his audition went.

Caller ID: Harry

I smile and press answer right away


"Jodie" He breathes out and I can't tell if that was good or bad

"How'd it go?" I ask, a little warily because I don't want him to think I sound dissapointed if he didn't get it.

"I got in!!"

"Really, oh my gosh that's amazing!!!!" I could hear the smile in his voice, how excited he was, only making me smile more

"Thank you soo much you have no idea, I can't thank you enough. Even if I don't get to go to the judges house, it's still such an amazing experience to be here, it really taught me to sometimes just take a risk, to not care about what other people thing and just be happy. I feel so much better now, so much happier. Because of you."

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