Chapter 36

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Harry's POV

Why do I always mess up. Every time shes even close to Niall bad thoughts run through my head. I know I shouldn't be thinking that but I do, its just natural. I've always liked Jodie. Even before we were friends. I guess I felt like since she was my neighbour for so long that she'd stick up for me or something, I don't know. She did eventually, nobody else did. She also apologized for not sticking up for me, I know it'd be hard for her. Not knowing how people are going to react, she pretty much put her friendships on the line and I could've been then her only friend. She gave me the chance to show her we could work out. Of course I wasn't hoping for anything, I didn't want to get my hopes up just to be dissapointed.

But then she actually seemed to want to hangout with me, she brought me to her dad's apartment. I wonder if she ever goes back anymore. I know I slept over once or twice, her dad seemed cool. He liked me. Then she made me audition for the X-factor, and look where that got me. When I got back though, we went to the wedding and it was one of the best nights of my life, how could I forget it. It was the first time I confessed my love for her. She said it first, I didn't have the nerve to do it. We went on a few tours, she came to some shows along the way and it was an unreal experience. I don't know what i'd have done without her or the boys. I know they've changed my life forever and I don't want to go back for 1 second. Here she is now, laying in my arms asleep. She's so incredibly beautiful and she never agrees with me when I tell her. Very stubborn. But I love her anyways.

"Harry!" I feel something hit my cheek and it kinda stings, I put my hands down on either side of me to steady myself and get up, looking for what hit me. Louis is standing infront of me, grinning. "What was that for?!" He shrugs, walking out of the room "Niall told me to wake you, you weren't waking up" Ugh. Jodie is already up and out of the room, something smells good downstairs. I pull my shirt over my head and throw it in the laundry bin, then pull on some grey sweatpants I found on the floor. Hopefully they're Nialls or one of the other boys. I don't know who's room this is.

"What smells good?" I ask when I walk into the kitchen, Niall is making some food and Jodie is sitting at the stool against the counter. Louis and Danielle are at the table talking and I can see Zayn and Liam outside smoking. I roll my eyes at them and go over to Jodie, sitting beside her. She smiles at me, letting her eyes travel down my body. Her eyes stop at the new eagle tattoo on my right arm, her eyebrows scrunch up "What's that"

"An eagle"

"But why" her smile has disapeared "I dunno, had to cover up the things I can one"

"What?" She raises her eyesbrows and sticks her bottom lip out "I liked that one"

Of course she liked the one I covered up. "I didn't know that"

She puts her lips in a straight line and narrows her eyes at me. "What else have you covered up" She puts her hand on my shoulder and makes me turn so she can see my arm more clearly "Harry! You covered the might as well? and the one on your wrist I think you have a tattoo problem"

"I don't"

"You do"

"No I don't!"

"Harry. You have more than 60 tattoos, its been 5 years. Thats 1 tattoo a month. That's not good"

"Im fine"

"You're going to regret it"

"No I wont"

"Fine, but when you do don't come to me telling me you wished you hadn't gotten one of them" She gets off her stool and grabs her plate, sitting at the table instead. Geez.

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