Chapter 39

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I need to get to him before he leaves. I hear the front door of the school slam shut and that's my cue to hurry up. I get down to the parking lot and he hasn't left yet, he's in his car though. I run over to the car and I bang on the windows for him to let me in, I can see him in the drivers seat slumped over with his head in his hands. Noo, I can't believe this is happening right now. "Harry let me in!"

"Go away" His voice cracks just saying those 2 words, he must be crying. I don't blame him though, to him it looks alot worse than it is "Let me explain"

"I said GO AWAY" He yells at me, and I know i'm not going to get anywhere

I pull up a picture of Jonathan that I took the last time I saw him and press it to the window so he can see "This is him"

"I don't want to see it!!!"


He rubs his eyes and wipes his nose, then glances over and looks back to the front. He looks back at the phone a few seconds later and notices that Jonathan is in fact 2 years old, with perfect brown hair and beautiful blue eyes.

"I hate you" He says to me as he leans back in his seat, unlocking the doors. I smile and get in the passenger seat, closing the door behind me. "I'm sorry..I was trying to tell you but you left"

"Sorry..I was really mad.." He says, not meeting my gaze "I understand. You have a right to be mad, you didn't know he was a 2 year old kid."

"Yeah, but I didn't even give you the chance to explain yourself, like always"

"Harry. You were mad and didn't want to talk to me so I get it, I'm so sorry"

He still doesn't look at me, just forward. "I'm sorry too" I smile and put my fingers under his chin, making him look at me. Then, I press a soft kiss on his lips and smile, he kisses me back right away. Atleast he's not mad anymore

"Shall we finish the wonderful date you set up for us?" He smiles and nods, getting out of the car nd grabbing my door. "Thank you" I say to him, and he holds his arm out for me to hold, so I do.

20 minutes later we're done the dinner, he stands up and puts the dished under the silver platter thing "There we go, looks fairly cleaned up right?" I roll my eyes at him, he literally just hid them to make it look clean. "Hmm" I lift up the platter than look at him "I can still see them"

"Well the point was to not lift it up"

"But I just did"

"But you weren't supposed to"

"You're so lazy"

"Can we just dance already?

"Ooh, we're going to dance?"
He smiles and plugs his phone into the speakers "Do you want to?"
I nod quickly, he just chuckles.

Some of my favourite music starts playing, and Harry makes his way back over to me. "May I have this dance?"
I smile and nod, placing my hand in his. He puts his other hand on my waist and I put my other hand around his neck, moving a bit to the music.

"Yesterday, we went to the beach when you guys were out, and we had a sandcastle building contest"


"Yeah, I was about to win but then the water broke it, so Zayn actually won.."
I laugh a little "Poor Harry"
"I know right! They were so mean to me!"
I laugh more and sigh "You're the youngest, of course they're going to pick on you"

"I'll be the one laughing when I live longer, forever"

"You are only 1 year apart you know.."

He shrugs "Whatever, we'll live longer then them anyways."

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