Chapter 33

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Jodie's POV

"Harry, get up" We have to leave to go to Niall's house now, its a flight there but under an hour. "Harry."

"mmm" He rolls around in the bed, groaning loudly. I smile at him, with his hair all over the place and blanket only half covering him. I sigh, knowing he won't get up yet so I decide to take out his clothes, I already know he's going to wear black skinny jeans and probably a black tshirt too, so I lay them on his desk and put his shoes and wallet next to them. Gosh, I feel like a mom. 

I walk downstairs and make some tea to take with us, putting it in 2 travel mugs. I make sure to check that everything we need is at the door, since we'll be gone for a week. Harry stumbles down the stairs and grabs a few of the things, bringing them out to the cab.

"Here" I hand him the mug and he kinda smiles at me, with his eyes mostly closed. I laugh a bit and get into the cab, sitting next to him. "To the airport please" The driver nods, Harry just falls asleep on my shoulder like akways on early mornings. 

"Thank you" i pay the cab driver and get out of the cab, leaving Harry's head to fall on the seat. I tried waking him up, he didn't budge. "oww.." I hear him groan and it brings a little smile to my face as I grab our stuff from the back. I pull out both our suitcases and put them on the ground, then sling my bag over my shoulder and take Harry's out too, along with his guitar. "Jodie!" He gets out of the car quickly, too quickly cause he bangs his head on the top of it. "Oww" He groans again and this time I laugh a little, handing him his bags. He takes them from my hand and presses his mouth in a straight line. "I could've got that. You paid the guy didn't you?" I nod and grab my suitcase from the ground. "I tried waking you up, you weren't budging" 

"Well wait then for me to wake up so I can pay the guy next time" I raise my eyebrows at him and put my bottle in my bag so I don't have to hold it "Here, pass me" I motion towards his bottle and he smirks, putting it in his own bag "You don't get to have all the fun around here" I roll my eyes but smile anyways, ignoring the blinding flashes from paparazzi. 

"Comfortable?" Harry looks at me as I've lied down on the couch in the plane, pulling a blanket over my body to stay cozy. "Very" He smiles and pulls the blanket from me before I realize that's what he's doing. "Harry! Nooo.." He laughs and motions for me to get up. "No, I'm comfortable here" He sighs and picks me up, moving me to the other side and then sitting in my spot "Hey, get out. I was there first" He smiles and pulls me by my waist to him, allowing me to sit against him. I give in, since he does have the blanket. "Fine" I sit in between his legs, pulling the blanket back over me and nuzzling my face into his neck. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close as he can, sighing in content. "I love you" He says quietly, his voice being very raspy. Honestly, it was the most attractive thing I've ever heard him say. "I love you too" I reply with a smile on my face, wrapping my arms around his torso underneth the blanket. 

"Ugh, please. I need to sleep here" Zayn complains, and i jump a little at the sound of his voice. When I look up I see him standing near the door to the plane with his stuff in his hand. That's right, we were flying there with Zayn since he's at the same airport. "Huh?" Harry replies, voice even more raspy than before. He must've fallen asleep too in the 10 minutes or however long it's been since we got on here. "Nothing, just no PDA pleeease" Zayn says, plopping down on the bed in the front room.
Dang it, there's beds in here why am I on a couch?" Harry chuckles..did I say that out loud?  

"Guys, get up lets go!" I hear somebody yelling, and I kind of open my eyes to see wht's going on with all the noise. There is a man standing here, their security guard Paul. "Come on, get up" He shakes Zayn's bed until he gets up, then comes over to us. I open my eyes to let him know I'm awake, he doesn't have to shake this bed, couch, whatever. "Mmmm" I get up a little but Harry pulls me back down, lying on his chest. Wow, I didn't even know he was awake. I look at him for a moment and then I see the corner of his mouth twitch, he's trying to fight back a smile. I smile and kiss him for a second or two before getting up off the couch and stretching out my legs. "Jooodiee now I'm cold" He complains to me and I just wave him off, grabbing the blanket from him like he did to me. "Nooo" He pulls his knees to his chest and hugs them, still not opening his eyes. Oh my gosh he is so stubborn "just wake up already" He smirks a little "No, I'm enjoying my half sleeping mode"

"Fine, guess I'll just go with Niall back to his house then if you can't dri-" He jumps up and smooths out his clothes, grabbing his bags and everything we had brought on "No need, i'll take you there" I laugh and grab my bag, walking out of the plane. I love how he gets jealous so easily of Niall, I can almost trick him into doing anything for me by using the Niall card. Works like a charm.

"Here, pass me your bags" He says to me after he has loaded his stuff in the back of the van. I pass him my bags just to please him this one time, and he smiles at me when putting them in. "Thank you" 

"Alright, off to Mullingar sir" Harry tells the man, and we are off. I cannot wait to get there, already feeling very much awake now.

"Harry!! You made it!! Zayn! Jodie! Wonderful that you guys could all be here" I hear Niall's thick Irish accent right when we step into his house, and it only feeds my excitement "Niall! I missed you!" I run into his arms and hug him for probably a minute or so "Hasn't even been that long" Harry mutters to himself when he walks by and I feel slightly bad for making a scene like that but he just saw Niall last week, for me its been months. He needs to chill to, he knows I'd never do anything. "How've you been? You look great!"

"Thank ya, it's been good this week of relaxation. I've planned a bunch of awesome stuff for us to do, get ready cause this is gonna be the best week of your life." I smile big and raise my eyebrows "So ready for it, I've done nothing lately so this is gonna be nice" 

"Jodie! So lovely to see you again, we all know I'm the real reason you came here, to Niall's house" Louis voice booms throughout the house, and I smile at the thought of him. "Right right, so I came with Zayn and Harry to Nialls house, just for you" 

"Exactly, simple. I'm awesome and they're not" He says it so casually and its kind of funny to be honest. The boys don't seem phased by it, almost as if it's normal. "Don;t worry about that, we always joke like this" He replies, as if he can read my mind. I nod and hug him anyways, I haven't seen him in forever too. Just Liam now, wherever he might be. 

"So, why don't we go golfing this morning?" Niall says, very cheery mood. Everybody rolls their eyes and makes the 'oohhhhh' sound, making Niall laugh. "My house my rules. Let's go."

"We have to wait for Liam though" Louis says, mkaing himself comfortable on the couch. "Right, well we can go when he gets here" Niall replies to Louis

"I don't know how to play golf though" I tell them, hoping we could do something a little less-boring. "Don't worry, I'll show you" Harry says to me, smiling. "I don't know how to play either" Louis pipes up "Well get your own girlfriend to show you cause I ain't doin it" Harry replies, making us all laugh. I know Louis can play golf, I've seen him before doing it. He's trying to steal Harry from me, let me just say there's no way i'm letting him. 

"Jodie!" I give Liam a hug when he walks in, he wraps his arms around my back. Liam was kind of the one who kept me grounded while they were on tour, I'd talk to him over the phone and he always knew what to say to make me feel better when I was missing them, we had a few good laughs too. "It's so good to actually talk to you in person again!" he laughs and lets go, looking at me with that so adorable smile "You too, it's been a while" 

"Yeah, 6 months or something?" He nods and I'm about to say something, but then I feel a hand on my shoulder. There's something cold, so I assume it's Harry's rings. "Liam, you up for some golf?" I was right, it was Harry. "Let me guess, it was Niall's idea?" 

"Yup" Niall apears out of nowhere, and grabs his hat "See you all at the van" He walks out, and Liam follows him after putting his bags down. Harry looks at me and raises his eyebrows "You gonna follow him or not?" I roll my eyes and pull away from his hold. I know he's referring to me hugging Liam and everything

"He was a good friend to me while you were on tour" I put my shoes on and grab one of Niall's many hats, since I don't have one. "Why are you wearing Niall's hat?" Harry asks when I'm about to walk out to the car. 

"It's sunny, I don't want to get sunburnt"

"But why do you have to wear his hat" 

"I don't have one" 

"Here, take mine then" He takes off the wide brimmed hat he was wearing and places it on my head, taking off Niall's.  "But now you're going to get sunburnt" I say to him, smiling a bit. He smiles back and puts Niall's hat on. "Not anymore" I smile a bit bigger, my hand finding his. "You don't have to be jealous" His eyes widen when he looks at me and a little smirk forms on his lips "I was not jealous!" He fires back, making me laugh and walk out the door "Whatever floats your boat" He scoffs and walks out behind me, half getting pulled. 

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