Chapter 16

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The door slams shut, startling me and I look towards the door to find Harry walking in, with blood all over his face and his knuckles badly cut, a lot of blood on his arm, covered by a blood soaked shirt sleeve.
"Oh my gosh Harry what happened?!?" I jump up from the bed and go over to him, he doesn't even respond. I put my hand on his cheek and look at him, his eyes don't meet mine. I have no idea what happened and it doesn't seem like he's gonna tell me but I need to fix these cuts, quick.
"Here" I grab his hand and gently pull him into the washroom, making him sit on the counter.

He winces as I clean his wounds but still won't say anything. After I wipe all the dried blood off his face I clean the cuts and put bandages over the ones I can, and then move on to the blood on his arm. When I pull his shirt over his head he winces more than before, and I'm sure he's just sore from whatever happened. I gasp when I notice it, the small hole in his arm. Right on his bicep there seems to be a little hole as if he'd gotten shot there. What was he doing?! I knew there was something weird with wherever he was going with the that sketchy guy and his van. "Did you get shot?" I cover my mouth in shock and try to clean it best I can without doing further damage. He just nods and leans his head back against the mirror. I don't know what else to do about his arm so I just bandage up his hands and throw his shirt in the laundry bag..I don't think the blood will come out though.

I help him off the counter and lead him towards the bed, resting his back against the headboard. He leans his head back against it and closes his eyes for a second, then a few tears slip out and fall down onto his chest.
"Harry..I need you to tell me what happened" I hear pounding on the door and I sigh getting up to get the door. The four boys, Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall rush in and over to Harry. They all gasp in shock like I did, at least they didn't see all the blood he had all over him.
"Harry!" I shove them all off the bed he's on and Niall and Louis take a spot on the bed beside it, Zayn and Liam take chairs. I sit down on the bed beside Harry and take his hand with one of my hands, then wipe away the tears on his face,
"Harry, what happened"
He opens his eyes and they're all red around the edges, making the green stand out. "I can't tell you."
"You don't really have a choice, your going to have to tell the doctors anyways" he raises his eyebrows
"doctors? Jodie, I'm fine" I let out a little laugh.
"you got shot, I'm taking you to the hospital."
Now he just looks mad
"I don't need a doctor, I'm fine"
"Harry. What happened"
He shoots a death glare at me and I wonder what happened to my fun smiling Harry from earlier today
"I already told you that I can't tell you"
"Why not?"
"Your going to leave me if I tell you"
"No, if you don't tell me then I'll leave."
He rolls his eyes "Fine. I got beat up and shot because I tried to get out of a drug deal" He mumbles barely audible
My eyes go wide "drug deal?! Why were you involved in a drug deal!?!!"
"I needed money"
"I could've given you some!"
"It was before we were friends Jodie, you saw how I was back then, weak and pathetic. This guy promised me things I couldn't turn down, he tricked me" He laughs, but it's not a happy, nice laugh. It's a bad laugh, filled with anger
"Why do you even care?"

My heart drops. Harry is a drug dealer, not a sweet innocent cute nerdy guy like I thought he was. "No.."
He raises his eyebrows and runs a hand through his hair "Have you ever wondered why I don't have any friends?"
"No..this can't be real" he can't be a drug dealer, not Harry. He's too nice, to talented, to perfect and charming and funny, he can't be.
 If he is I know I have to leave, for myself. Being involved in drug dealers and stuff is always the worst idea, somebody always gets hurt or killed and I just can't risk it. It's too dangerous for both me and him. Without me, he can continue his work without getting distracted and shot like he did. It's because of me..This is a bad situation, dangerous, I could be potentially hurt. They shot Harry, what would they do to me?

"There. I told you, are you happy?" He says as I get up and grab my small bag of just the stuff I need and head towards the door quickly, but somehow he manages to get up on his own because he grabs my arm and pulls me back.
"You said you wouldn't leave"
"No I said I would if you didn't tell me, I never said I wouldn't leave" I grab the door handle and try to walk out but Harry pulls me into his chest. 
"no, you're mine" I would smile in a normal situation because I know I like him but then I remember he deals drugs, that's bad. I try to push him away but he just holds on tighter.
"Harry, let her go" Zayn says as he walks over to us. 
"shut up Zayn" Harry replies "I can do whatever I want with her"
He opens the door and tries to shove me out of the room.
"Let's go" I kick him as hard as I can and make a run for it down the hall, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I can hear him groan and the boys yelling at Harry, then him chasing after me. It only makes me run faster.
"Get back here!" I never would've gotten involved with him if I had known he was into this stuff. He was very good at hiding it, even though I never talked to him before, but still. I can't believe this is happening, it was too good to be true.

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