Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

Today we have the whole day here, then tomorrow we leave to go to Liam's town. In 4 days or something I get to come back again though. It's actually been kind of busy with news and reporters and stuff, there always seems to be one or two around..strange. Currently its 9 in the morning, everybody is still asleep except for Niall. "

"Psst" I whisper in his direction, trying not to wake up the other boys "Let's go make some food, i'm hungry" His head snaps up and he grins at me "Lets go" He replies, getting out of the bed. We head downstairs, and he pulls out he stuff to make pancakes. I shoot him a weird look and he raises his eyebrows at me "How did you know where to find that..?" He shrugs and grabs a bowl from the cupboard "I did some looking around yesterday" He says like its no big deal. How did I not even notice him looking through my house..? "Uhhhh..k" I sit on a bar stool and he puts on an apron, then grabs a few pans out. To be honest this is kind of amusing, he actually knows what he's doing, unlike me who'd burn down the house making toast. 

"So, you and Jodie huh?" I look up and smile a little "Shut up" He chuckes, mixing eggs together "You really like her, I can tell" He pinches my cheek and I hit his hand away "Does little Harry have a crush?" I roll my eyes and he laughs more. "Oh im just teasing ya mate, she's a good find." I smile at the ground, since I don't want Niall to see me smiling. "Yeah, I got lucky"
"You sure did" Why did she even start talking to me? I was just a nerd, a loser who nobody liked. Well, to her I was. 

"Hey, can you pass me a plate?" Niall says while looking over the pan at the pancakes he's cooking. I get up off my chair and grab a plate from the table, passing it to him "Thanks" He doesn't even look up, just takes the plate and flips the pancakes. A moment later I feel two arms wrapping around my chest, and something on my shoulder. I smile, knowing it's Jodie. If not..that'd just be weird. "Goodmorning" She mumbles, resting her head on my shoulder and closing her eyes. 

"Goodmorning, how long did you stay up last night?" She was on her phone when I fell asleep, i'm not sure doing what. "Not that..long" i smile a slight bit more and put my hand on top of hers, playing with her fingers. "You want some food? Niall made pancakes" His head looks up at the mention of his name, and he narrows his eyes "my food" he puts his arms protectively around the stack of pancakes, and Jodie and I smirk at eachother, nodding. "Get'em"

I grab Niall's arms and put them both behind his back, then Jodie grabs the plate and runs down the hall. He tries to go after her but i'm good at holding him in place. He puts and i think i almost see a tear roll down his cheek "my food..." i laugh a bit and let him go "Don't worry mate, I'll make you some more. I'm not mean like Jodie is" She gapes at me, a smirk pulling at the corner of her mouth "What a backstabber you are!" I laugh again and send her a wink, before pouring some more batter onto the pan. Niall wraps his arms around me like Jodie previously had, and puts his chin on my shoulder "Oh Harry, I love you so much and you're just soo hot and have huge muscles and your such an amaazing cook." He imitates Jodie's voice and she puts the plate down, coming over and grabbing him off of me. I can't help my laughter and grab the counter behind me to steady myself "My Harry" She points a finger at Niall and allows him to have his pancakes back. I smile at the thought of her saying I'm hers. How I wish, she's so perfect I have trouble resisting the urge to kiss her sometimes. "and I dn't talk like that" She says to him, but hes too busy with his pancakes to notice.

*One week later*

So We've gone to Liam's, and it was awesome. His parents are so nice! Not that the other boys' aren't but Liam's were just so welcoming and kind, I felt kind of at home there. Now I see where he gets it from. Im now back at home, going to school with Jodie. This may be the only time I'll ever say this, but I missed school these past few months i've been on the show. It'll be nice to just have a normal life again, those girls are very touchy. Even just walking in the streets a few girl's would recognize us and ask for a picture or something. I don't mind though, I've never had so much attention from people so I kind of enjoy it to be honest. 

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