Chapter 37

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Jodie's POV

These past few days have been awesome with the boys, it's been forever since I've seen them all. Today, Niall Louis and I are heading out to see a rugby game, Harry Liam and Zayn weren't interested. "Jodie, we gotta go if we're going to make the game" Niall yells up the stairs "Okay, be down in a minute"

Harry walks back into the room and he grabs a flannel shirt from the closet, walking back over to me "Incase you get cold" He puts it on my shoulders and helps me get my arms through. "You can have this, cause those boys sure aren't putting their arms around you" I smile at him, he's so protective of me and it makes me feel like nothing can harm me, sometimes he's a bit extreme but it just shows that he cares. He makes me feel really safe. Speaking of that, he wraps his arms around me and holds me close to his chest for a minute or so, kissing the top of my head. I smile again, taking in the scent of him one last time before I won't get to see him until tonight.

The car horn honks and I sigh, pulling my arms away from Harry and walking downstairs. He follows me non surprisingly and before I walk out he grabs my hand, pulling me back to him. Our faces are literally centimeters apart, lips brushing sending chills down my spine.

"I'm not going to see you the whole day, don't I get a goodbye kiss?" He whispers in a deep raspy voice, making him sound unbelievably attractive right now. I smirk and press my lips to his, placing my hands on his chest. "I love you" he mumbles against my lips, smiling. I smile back "I love you too"

My hand slips out of his when I walk out the door and I get in the backseat of the car, Niall and Louis in the front "Jodie you take forever" Louis complains

"Sorry, Harry didn't want me to leave" Niall rolls his eyes and makes the disgusted face, Louis starts the car and pulls out of the driveway "You guys are disgusting, please don't tell me you're going to be talking about him all today?"
I smile and pat his shoulder

"Don't worry, I'll try to keep it to a minimum" I smirk and put on the sunglasses I stole from Harry's bag. Just because Niall said that I'm going to purposely find reasons to talk about Harry. He should know already not to tell me to not do something. Its his fault.

"Let's get on the train at 8:25 so then we dont have to wait until 9, but its leaving in a few minutes" Niall says while looking at te schedule on his phone. "Run!" Louis yells and we start running from the parking spot to the building, and into the tunnels to get to the right track. "It's here!" He yells from the top of the stairs, Niall and I get up the last few after him and pile onto the train. "That was the most exercise ive done in a while" Niall says when we climb to the top level and take a seat in the 4 seater spots. "Well that you're out of shape" i smile at him and sigh when i sit down, using him as a footrest.
"What do you think you're doing?" He moves my feet to the seat next to him, but then Louis moves them back so he can sit down. "Ugh" Niall puts his hat down a bit to cover his eyes and puts his hands behind his head, pretending to sleep.

I motion for Louis to switch seats to the one beside me, so he does. "What's up?"

"I need a pillow" I say to him and he sighs, putting his arm around my shoulder so I have a comfortable place to lean on. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder, taking in his warmth instead of a blanket which I don't have. It's really early and I'm tired, plus I had to get out of my warm bed with warm Harry. Louis will do. "Thank ya"

"We're here" Niall shakes us both awake, Louis must've fallen asleep. I don't know if Niall was actually sleeping or not, but good thing he woke us up in time. "Wha.." Louis groans and I move away from him so he can get up. "Where are we?" i stretch my legs out when we get off the train, looking to Niall for directions. He seems to know what he's doing, which is good. "Well, it's pretty early still so why don't we go to a nice breakfast place first? I can show you guys a good one" I smile and nod, breakfast sounds good right about now. "Okay, let's go" I grab Louis' arm and pull him along, he'd probably get lost otherwise. He seems too tired to know what's going on.

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