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Chills run down my back as my name leaving his lips registers in my mind.

Mustering up the biggest smile I can, I slowly turn around and face my ex-boyfriend.

Dom is standing a few inches behind Justin, his eyebrows raised, drink in hand as he watches both Justin and I standing a few feet away from each other for the first time in five years.

I almost want to tell him to leave, but then that'd mean I would be by myself with Justin and that isn't something I think I can handle at the moment. Taking to him is one thing, talking to him alone is a completely different thing.

"Justin! Hey."

"Hey," he replies, his eyes never leaving my face. I can't bring myself to make eye contact. Pathetic, I know.

"How have you been? It's been awhile."

Justin nods, his curls bobbing up and down, "I've been good. How about you?"

"Great," I reply with a smile, a small laugh escaping through my lips.

Behind Justin, Dom bites his lip to keep himself from laughing. Shaking his head, he mouths something I can't make out and then turns away, leaving Justin and I alone at the bar.

"You look great," he say after a few seconds of silence. His eyes give me a once over and suddenly it's like I'm eighteen again and we're about to go on our first date.

Clearing my throat, I set my drink onto the bar, and slip onto the stool again and smile, "Thank you. You look good too- very tan."

Chuckling, Justin takes a seat on the stool beside me and takes a drink from his beer. "Yeah. I just got back from Africa."

Africa? "Wow! So you're still traveling?"

He nods and takes another drink his beer, this time the gulp is longer than the one from before.

"I would have thought you traveled the entire world by now," I half joke before taking another sip from my drink. He dreamed of traveling the world.

"Not quite yet," Justin chuckles. "What about you? Are you official Dr. Doolittle?"

I laugh and finish off my drink before replying, "Yeah. I'm official Dr. Doolittle."

I raise my cup in the air when I grab Brian's attention and signal for another drink.

"So where's your clinic?"

Thanking Brian when he slides me my drink, I take a sip before turning to face Justin. "San Antonio."

This time, I meet his gaze and he raises his eyebrows at my response. "San Antonio?"

I nod, "Good ol' Texas." I smile.

See, San Antonio was Justin's birthplace. He grew up in San Antonio and lived there up until he moved to California when he was twenty.

"Huh. Small world." He laughs.

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